Emotions Run High

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"Alright boys, huddle up." Coach instructed, having them gather around in their gear. "Now, last year was the best year I've ever had. I was able to afford a froyo cart for the off season, Froyo! I want this year to be just as good! Maybe I'll finally buy those slacks, my wife likes the slacks. So get out there and show me what you got!"

The whistle blew and the boys took off, completing one drill after another. Zed hated to admit it, but Wyatt was a natural on the field. His werewolf strength and reflexes allowed him to easily maneuver through the drills with ease.

Wyatt flashed Zed a mocking smirk as the coach patted him on the back and raved about his performance. "Woo! With moves like that there's no way we can lose! Welcome to the team werewolf, I look forward to watching you on the field. Boys, we've found our running back."

The rest of the team nodded, stating quick congratulations before checking with the coach to get their position assignments. Once the crowd dispersed, Zed made his way over. "Ready for another great year coach!?"

"You know it!" Coach grinned, giving him a fist bump. "With you as full back and Wyatt as our running back, we'll be undefeatable!"

"Yeah, we sure will coach!" Zed responded, his voice laced with fake enthusiasm.

The coach sent the boys to hit the showers while he submitted the final team roster. Zed quickly changed into his regular clothes, shoving his gear in his duffel bag before zipping it up.

He slung it over his shoulder and turned to glance around at his teammates. Most were talking excitedly amongst themselves, while others were preparing to leave.

Zed shared a few high fives and bro hugs with some of his old teammates from last year, sharing congratulations on making the team once again.

The group headed towards the doors to head home for the day, but when Zed grabbed the door he stopped. Something telling him to turn around.

He looked and saw Wyatt on the far side of the locker room. He was packing up his gear as a few remaining players passed him. Zed watched as one of the guys intentionally moved over so that his knee caught the side of his bag and sent it crashing to the floor with its contents spilling out.

The guys snickered to themselves as they kept going, not stopping to apologize or help. Zed sighed, he knew how it felt to be the new kid on the team. Not to meantion the only non-human. The guys had done the same to him the year before, before he proved himself.

Zed shot a glare at the three boys as he walked past them, warning them that he did not approve of their actions. He reached down grabbing a few items off the floor before standing back up, coming face to face with Wyatt.

"Sorry about those guys, they can be jerks." Zed admitted, holding out the items he had picked up from the floor. "But once you prove yourself on the field, they won't be as harsh."

Wyatt grabbed the items from his hand, shoving them in his bag. "Thanks, but I don't need your sympathy. I can handle them on my own."

"I get it. You may have a pack but you're a lone wolf." Zed replied, picking up more items from the floor. "Still, I wanted you to know that I've been in your position. I know it's not easy being the new guy."

"Why do you even care?" Wyatt snapped, snatching a few more items from the floor.

"Just thought you could use a friend on the.... team." Zed's attention slipped from the conversation as he picked a familiar object up off the floor.

"Didn't seem that way when you stormed off this morning." Wyatt retorted, slamming his locker shut and turning to face him. His eyes widened when he saw what Zed was holding. "Give that back!"

Wyatt snatched the object from his hands, placing it safely back in its place around his neck. "Never touch a werewolve's moonstone."

"Sorry." Zed replied, his eyes wide with surprise. "So you weren't wearing your moonstone necklace at tryouts?"

"Of course not." Wyatt scoffed. "I'm not a cheater. I wanted to make the team on my own, not by using my moonstone's power. And I did. Now if you don't mind I have to get back to the den and help Willa make sure all the werepups did their homework."

Wyatt slung his bag onto his back, slamming his shoulder into Zed's as he headed for the door. Zed rubbed his sore shouldered as he called out one last time. "So see you tomorrow!?"

Wyatt didn't respond as he pushed his way through the doors to the locker room, leaving Zed alone.

Zed sighed, getting along with Wyatt was not going to be easy. However, he was impressed. Wyatt had natural talent, he hadn't used his werewolf powers during the tryouts. Everything they had seen was natural ability.

Zed knew he had natural talent too, but it didn't change the fact he had used his Z-band to help him for most of last season. Although, he was under pressure to prove himself by winning games so that Zombies could earn more privileges.

Despite that, he hadn't truly been able to show what he could do on his own. This year, Zed decided if Wyatt wasn't using his moonstone, he wouldn't use his Z-band. They would prove themselves, by being themselves and hopefully, win or lose, the team would have their backs. And maybe, in time, Zed could win over his werewolf teammate.

He took a deep breath, leaving the locker room and heading down the hall towards the gym. Hopefully Addison was having a better day.

Author's Note

I'm finally getting into a routine with my updates so this story should be updated every other day. Read, comment, vote, enjoy. -Meloetta246

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