Big Game, Big Problems

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It had been two weeks. Two weeks since the fight between Addison and Zed. Two weeks since Zed promised to talk things out.

Addison had thrown herself into her cheerleading. Despite resistance from Bucky, the plan for the carnival had been approved. Each day after practice the team got together and discussed what needed to be done before dividing out jobs.

The carnival wasn't for another weeks but they had already accomplished alot. Several businesses had already agreed to be sponsors and had donated several boxes of prizes.

Posters and flyers were already adoring the halls of Seabrooke High, announcing the upcoming event.

Even one of the cheerleaders whose parents owned a party supply rental business had gotten their parents to donate tents and tables for the event. Now all that was left was to create the games and make signs for them and then decide on the food and refreshments.

Zed on the other hand, had put all his focus into football. Tonight was their first big game and he wanted the Mighty Shrimp to start the season strong.

But that wasn't the only thing on his mind. Zed still hadn't apologized, not because he didn't want to but because he knew he needed to do more than just say sorry. Tonight after the game, he would finally fix everything.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Addison asked as the cheerleaders finished getting ready.

The team cheered. "Yeah!"

"Wait!" Wynter cried, digging furiously through her dufflebag. "I can't find my pom poms! Those little rascals....the werepups must have snatched them!"

"It's okay." Addison smiled. "You guys head out to the field and I'll go to grab an extra set from the supply closet in the gym. Bree, can you lead them out?"

"You bet!" Bree grinned. "Let's go Mighty Shrimp!"


Addison watched the team head out before heading into the gym. Her footsteps echoed through the room as she walked over to the supply closet and stepped inside.

Coach had stored the equipment for every sport in this small room. Though she had to admit, it wasn't exactly organized. Addison sighed, walking over to the area she normally saw Bucky go to for supplies and began to dig around.

After a few minutes she found a box hidden towards the back of the shelf. Sure enough, it had the pom poms. With a breath of relief Addison grabbed a set and put everything back before heading out.

She placed her hand on the door to push it open when she stopped in her tracks, hearing foot steps and voices on the other side.

"Tonight is the night!" Bucky's voice boomed. "Tonight everyone will see that without me, this school is nothing!"

"I don't even see how this is even working." Stacey's voice huffed. "Addison and Zed seem even more focused than ever."

"That's what you think." Adfison could hear the smirk in Bucky's voice as he continued. "The fight is still weighing on their minds. Zed and Wyatt are at odds and Addison has been more distracted at practice. Tonight, we're going to make sure that their emotions come to a head. Once the football team loses and the cheer squad botches their routines they'll realize only I can lead us to victory. And all it took was a few clicks and a video."

"Yeah!" The Acey's laughed.

Addison felt her blood boil. Bucky had sent the video? Bucky, her cousin, had purposely broken her relationship with Zed? Because he wanted to be in the spot light? She knew Bucky could be shallow, but this was low even for him.

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