Don't Let Go

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"Addison what do you mean? What's going on?" Bucky asked.

Addison didn't respond as she ran towards the group, pushing her way towards its center. Bonzo and Bree were kneeling beside Willa and Wynter who were lying lifeless on the ground.

Meanwhile, Eliza was at Wyatt's side her eyes filled with fear. Unlike the others, he was on his knees clutching his chest, his breathing heavy and ragged.

"Willa......Wynter......" He croaked out, extending a shaking arm towards them.

Addison placed a hand on his shoulder, holding him back as she kneeled beside him shaking her head.

Wyatt flashed a pleading look before turning to Bree and Bonzo. "A-Are they....?"

Bree shook her head. "They're not dead, but they don't have much time. Their pulses are dangerously low."

"Za (Yeah)." Bonzo agreed.

"But why is he still up and they're down?" Bucky asked. "Addison what is going on?"

"I don't know." Tears pricked in the corner of Addison's eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself. "But I felt it before, it's like a warm breeze. I can feel when moonstone is searching for more energy. I'm so sorry, I didn't put it together until I felt it again just now."

"Addison." Wyatt's voice came as strained whisper. "Don't blame yourself. You're the reason I'm still standing."

"What?" Addison asked in confusion. "But I didn't do anything."

"The bond." Wyatt reminded her. "When we connected to the moonstone my necklace got an extra charge. You gave me the strength I needed to keep fighting."

"But what now?" Addison sniffed. "The other wolves are probably down as well. Even if we retrieve the moonstone, we'll never make it."

"They'll make it." Wyatt assured her, nodding towards the group. "But only if we go back now."

Addison's eyes widened as she realized what he meant. "You want to use the bond? Wyatt it's too dangerous, you're too weak from being drained!"

"We have no choice!" Wyatt cried. "Please Addison, we have to try. It might be my pack's only chance."

Addison sighed, despite the risks Wyatt was right, there was no other choice. They had to go back.

"Get the wolves on the cheer bus." Addison ordered. "Shrimpy can drive us back and Zed will lead the rest of you to find the moonstone."

"Addison--" Zed began, but cut himself off. This was her choice to make, not his. He'd have to trust her. "Just be safe okay?"

Addison nodded before pulling him into a hug. "We'll be fine, I promise. Just find that moonstone."

"You got it." Zed reassured her.

Behind them, Bucky had helped Wyatt to his feet and was holding him steady as he gave Eliza a hug.

"I'm going to be okay." Wyatt whispered, gently running his fingers through her hair.

Eliza glanced up solemnly. "I know but it hurts seeing you like this."

"It looks worse than it is." Wyatt lied, straightening himself up the best he could. "Don't worry about me Ellie."

Eliza nodded, slowly pulling away. "Go, they're waiting."

Bucky helped Wyatt onto the bus as Addison said her final goodbyes. With the werewolves safely on board, Addison took her place and Shrimpy took off, leaving the rest of the group to search for the moonstone.

Addison ran her fingers through Wyatt's hair as he rested his head against her shoulder. She knew the affects of being drained were hitting him hard, but he was too stubborn to admit it.

"I know you lied to Eliza." Addison said softly. "You are not okay."

Wyatt sighed, glancing up from his place on her shoulder. "I didn't want to scare her anymore than I already have okay? I mean, what did you want me to say? Sorry my chest is on fire and I'm dying?"

"No, you're right I'm sorry." Addison apologized. "Forget I said anything."

"Don't apologize for caring." Wyatt replied. "It's one of your best qualities."

Addison cracked a smile. "Thank you. You're a pretty caring person yourself. For a wolf, your a big softy."

"Hey." Wyatt chuckled. "I'll have you know I'm a mean, mean wolf Sis.

"Liar." Addison smirked. "You stole that from Wynter."

Wyatt laughed, only to have it cut short by a nasty coughing fit. Addison frowned, he already sounded worse.

"You should rest." Addison suggested. "You know, to conserve your energy."

"I'm good now." Wyatt tried to reassure her, getting the coughing fit under control.

"Don't lie to me." Addison stated firmly. "I'm pretty sure if Willa were awake she'd say the same thing."

"Fine." Wyatt sighed, knowing she was right. "But only for a bit."

The rest of the ride was quiet and thanks to Shrimpy's quick driving they finally made it back to the den.

Shrimpy and Addison moved Willa and Wynter in first, getting them settled before Shrimpy went to get Wyatt.

While she waited, Addison wandered over to the moonstone whose glow was flickering in and out. Without a second thought she reached towards it, only to have her wrist snatched back.

"What are you doing!?" Wyatt snapped, leaning against the moonstone's wire capsule for support. "You know you can't touch it without me! It could kill you!"

"I'm sorry." Addison recoiled. "I wasn't thinking."

Wyatt sighed, allowing his body to slide to the floor so his back was resting against the capsule. He slid his hand from her wrist and slipped it into her own. "No matter what happens, we do this together okay? Stay with me, and don't let go."

Addison nodded, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Together."

She placed her hand against the moonstone and welcomed its familiar warmth. Addison glanced down and watched as her hair began to glow as Wyatt's eyes took on their bright, golden glow.

"Are you okay?" She asked him.

He nodded. "I'm fine, just stay focused. You don't have to worry about me."

"Okay." Addison replied, glancing around the den at all the wolves. Their lives were in their hands and she could only hope that Zed and the others would make it in time.

Author's Note

Nobody's dead yet! Oops, did I say that out loud?


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