Tell Me The Truth

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Addison could hear the footsteps of her friends following behind but at this point she was too angry to care. How could her parents hide the truth from her all this time?

"Hey sweetheart how was the game?" Her father asked.

"Um, honey...." her mother interrupted, pointing behind her.

She watched her father's eyes widen at the sight of her friends. At this point, if he said anything negative she was going to explode.

He turned to her slowly. "Addison, what are they doing here?"

"They are my friends." Addison snapped. "And apparently they are alot more honest with me than you are!"

"Addison what are you talking about?" Her mother sighed.

"This." Addison slammed the baby book on the table, causing the contents to spill out. Her parents' faces paled and that's when she knew she had stumbled upon something they had never wanted her to find.

"You've lied to me my whole life! All this time you've known who I am, what I am!" Addison cried. "And then, to make it worse, you hid the fact that I have a twin brother!"

"Addison we can explain!" Her father began, but she cut him off.

"You can explain!?" Addison laughed bitterly. "Please, go on. I'd love to hear you explain your reasoning for lying to me!"

"Addison," her mother began. "When we found out I was pregnant with twins, we were beyond excited. When you were born, you were perfect in everyway."

"But...." Addison drawled.

"But then I told your father the truth." Her mother continued. "I told him about my family's connection to werewolves and that you would both most likely need to be blessed by the moonstone, just as I was."

"You were blessed by the moonstone?" Willa cut in. "Then where is your mark?"

"Mark?" Addison questioned.

Willa gestured to the white streak in her hair. "You don't get your streak until you've been blessed. Every wolf who has been blessed by the moonstone has one."

"So where is yours?" Addison inquired, studying her mother closely.

Her mother sighed, reaching up and removing her wig. Addison gasped, her mother's hair was exactly the same except there was a long white streak on the right side. "I have my mark, I've just learned to hide it very well."

Addison's were wide. "All this time, you've been wearing a wig?"

"It's the only way to hide it. A werewolve's mark is everlasting. That's why we can't dye it." Her mother admitted. "But when you were blessed, you got so much more than just a mark."

"Tell me." Addison demanded. "Tell me what happened when I was blessed."

"I woke up to give you both your morning feeding but when I walked in the nursery I immediately realized something was wrong. Wyatt was giving these weak, bleating cries and you, you were barely moving." Her mother began, her voice soft. "I called for your father and I told him that you were both beginning to die. I told him the only way to save you was to go to the moonstone."

Addison nodded, following along as her father continued. "Being on the Zombie Patrol I have access to all restricted areas including the power plant. It's only supposed to be used in emergencies but I figured my children dying counted as one. We rushed to the power plant and I took your mother straight to the moonstone."

Addison's curiosity was growing by the second. "Then what happened?"

"We laid Wyatt on the moonstone first. It began to glow and a white streak appeared in his hair. We thought that would be the end but we were wrong." Her mother explained. "His ears became pointed and his fingernails changed. I realized that Wyatt had become a full wolf, something I never did. I only got my mark, nothing more."

She felt Zed's arms wrap around her comfortingly as she processed what her parents had told her so far. "So Wyatt became a full wolf, but what about me?"

A deep sadness filled her parents' eyes as they shared a knowing look. Addison realized whatever they were going to say must be difficult to talk about.

"By the time your mother was finished with Wyatt, you had stopped breathing." Her father said softly.

"What?" Addison gasped. "I was dead?"

Her mother nodded solemnly. "I didn't know what else to do so I handed Wyatt to your father and took you in my arms. You were so cold. I laid you on the moonstone and it began to glow bright. The next thing I knew, your hair was glowing the same color."

Addison glanced at her white locks. "It was glowing?"

Her mother nodded. "Yes, and when it faded, your blonde hair had turned white. Then a miracle happened, you opened your eyes and began to cry. Your father and I were so relieved we began to cry. I gathered you in my arms and we went home."

"When we got home," her father continued. "I realized that people would freak out if they saw your hair."

"And I realized that being a full wolf meant Wyatt needed a moonstone necklace to sustain his energy." Her mother added. "That's when we decided to send him to live with the wolves, so that he could thrive where he belonged."

"What about me?" Addison cried. "Why did I have to hide all this time?"

"We wanted you to have a normal life." Her mother explained. "I wanted your place to be with us in Seabrooke, to be a normal girl. The wig, the secrets, we did it for you."

"No." Addison shook her head. "You did it for you. You wanted a normal life, a perfect, happy little family. But I'm not normal and instead of embracing that, you forced me to hide it for 15 years! Instead of loving your son the way he was, you sent him away! You were never protecting us! You were protecting yourselves!"

"Addison, please listen." Her father begged.

She ignored her father as she turned to her mother.

"And you, you knew the moonstone was in that power plant. You just admitted it!" Addison accused her mother. "You knew it was there and yet you were going to let it get blown up in the demolition, knowing that the werewolves would die without it, that your son would die without it. How could you?"

Her mother sighed. "I know how bad it sounds, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for progress. Before the werewolves showed up, I figured no one would know."

"You figured no one would know!?" Addison seethed. "You were willing to kill a whole pack of werewolves who had done nothing to you, just to hide the truth!? I can't believe you!"


"No!" She snapped. "What about the future? What if I had kids and they needed to blessed to survive? If that moonstone had been destroyed, my future children, your grandchildren, might not have survived. What do you think that would have done to me? Would you have been helping me then?"

"Everything we did, we did out of love." Her mother insisted.

"No," Addison disagreed, grabbing the baby book and turning away from the table. "Everything you did was out of fear. Now if you don't mind, I'm actually going to try and save my brother and his pack. That will be more than you've ever done for him."

Addison stormed out, Eliza and Willa following close behind. Zed started to follow, but turned around to give his final say before leaving. "You call us the monsters, but I think you need to take a long, hard look in the mirror."

Author's Note

I finished yay! So Addison is learning more about the past but how will she save the werewolves in the present? Stay tuned!


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