When Night Falls: Part 2

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Addison smiled as she looked up at Zed from her place on his chest. The two were curled up on his couch and had just finished watching 'How to Train Your Dragon'.

"So what did you think?" Addison asked. She had watched the movie before but it was Zed's first time.

"It was great." Zed smiled back. "You know, the Vikings and dragons remind me of humans and zombies. Two groups coming together as one and learning to live together in peace."

"It does, doesn't it?" Addison giggled. "So I guess that means I'm Hiccup and you're Toothless?"

"Ha ha ha." Zed laughed dryly. "More like I'm Hiccup and you're Astrid."

Addison reached up and pecked his lips. "Hiccup and Astrid, I like that."

"Oh yeah?" Zed grinned, leaning down to steal another kiss. "Well, then I guess Bucky can be Snoutlout, they have the same personality."

Addison buried her face in his chest to muffle the sound as she laughed. When she was finally able to catch her breath she replied. "That's so true, just don't let him hear you say that."

Zed shrugged as he pressed his forehead against hers, preparing to lean in for another kiss.

"I want to be a dragon rider!" Zoey announced, reminding them of her presence.

The two pulled away and Zed sighed as he got up from the couch, scooping Zoey up into his arms as she yawned. "Alright my little dragon rider, time for bed. But let's see Addison out first, okay?"

Zoey nodded sleepily and Zed guided Addison over to the front door. "Sorry I have to rush you out, but with dad working late on the Cheer Arena project I have to put Zoey to bed."

"Zed, it's fine. You're a big brother and you're responsible for making sure Zoey is taken care of while your dad isn't here." Addison reached up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Besides, seeing how good you are with her is one of the reasons I fell in love with you."

Zed beamed at her words. "Well then, I will see you tomorrow my beautiful snowflake."

Addison giggled. "See you tomorrow my Zombie prince."

🐾 POV change brought to you by Bucky's Ego

Wyatt wandered down the sidewalk trying to decide whether to return home or go for nightly romp through the woods, when he spotted a familiar blonde slipping through the open barrier heading back towards Seabrooke.

"Addison?" Wyatt questioned, taking off after the familiar figure.

Sure enough, when he reached the other side of the barrier he saw Addison walking back towards her home. Carefully, he caught up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Addison."

She turned around, staring at him with wide eyes. "Wyatt! What are you doing here?"

"Oh you know, just taking a moonlit stroll through the neighborhood. It's a werewolf thing." Wyatt replied, feigning innocence. "So what are you doing out after dark."

Addison smiled as she continued walking towards her home and he fell into step beside her. "Zed and I were having a movie night and enjoying each other's company."

"That sounds nice." He replied. "So how come he's not walking you home."

"Oh Zed has to take care of his little sister, Zoey, since his dad works late. It's her bed time and I'm more than capable of walking home alone." Addison admitted confidently.

Wyatt nodded. "Right, Zoey. She comes to the den to play with the werepups all the time. Sweet kid. Still, even the safest neighborhoods can be dangerous at night. You never know what's lurking in the shadows."

"I can handle myself." Addison replied coolly. "The only thing more dangerous than my high kick, is my low kick."

He chuckled at her spunk. "You're definately a feisty one."

However, instead of a comeback, Wyatt heard Addison release a squeak of surprise. "Oh!"

"Are you okay?" Wyatt asked in concern.

Addison nodded, regaining her composure. "I'm fine, your hand just grazed my side that's all."

Wyatt cocked his head curiously before a smirk formed on his lips. He reached out and ran his fingers across her side, resulting in another squeak from Addison. "Stop doing that!"

Wyatt's smirk grew. "I knew it! You're ticklish!"

Addison saw the devilish frin growing on his face and she backed away. "Wyatt Lykensen don't you dare!"

"Too late!" Wyatt laughed, pouncing on her and tickling her sides.

Addison squealed and began to laugh uncontrollably as he relentlessly tickled her sides.

"Wyatt! Stop! I can't....I can't breath!" Addison pleaded, as she fell against him.

"Fine." He chuckled, relinquishing his hold. "But you have to admit that was fun."

Wyatt glanced down and immediately realized how close they were. She was literally leaning against him with her hands pressed to his chest. Addison seemed to realize the position too because she quickly pulled away.

"I should get home." Addison said quickly, turning to leave.

"Yeah, me too." Wyatt admitted. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Addison replied, retreating up the front walk of her house and disappearing inside.

Wyatt sighed, he had just been trying to be friendly. He hadn't meant for then to end up in such a compromising position. Hopefully, Addison wasn't upset with him. He had just fixed things with Eliza, he didn't need another problem to fix.

Sighing, Wyatt turned to head home. But as he walked down the quiet Seabrooke street, he couldn't shake the  feeling that he was being watched.

Author's Note

Two chapters in one night! Whoo! Good night everyone! -Meloetta246

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