A Clue From the Ancestors

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The ride back to the den was silent as everyone took time to process what they had just learned. Finding out Addison wasn't fully human and that she had a werewolf brother, Wyatt, was shocking.

Zed placed his hand over the small bulge in his pocket and sighed. With everything that was going on, he still hadn't been able to properly apologize to Addison. At least they were talking again, that was a start.

The bus pulled up to the end of the dirt road and everyone got out, making the short hike back to the den. When they got there, Willa's mother was waiting outside.

"Did you find anything?" She asked hopefully.

"No." Willa replied sadly. "The journals were a dead end. There's no meantion of a second moonstone."

Her mother sighed. "So we are no closer to finding a new moonstone. At least everyone is up and moving for now. But we have no idea how long it will be before the moonstone takes more of our energy."

"Don't worry mom, we'll find another moonstone. There just has to be something we're missing." Willa reassured her.

"I hope you're right. Now come inside and we'll discuss our next course of action." Her mother replied, motioning them to follow.

All eyes fell on the group as they entered the den. Willa knew her pack was looking to her for answers and the fact that she had none, made facing them that much harder.

"Willa!" Wyatt called out, making his way over to the small group.

"Wyatt." She sighed in relief, embracing him in a hug. "You had me worried brother."

Wyatt pulled away, giving her a light chuckle. "And here I thought I was the worry-wolf."

"Oh hush." Willa grinned, lightly punching his shoulder.

"So did you find the location if the new moonstone?" Wyatt asked.

Willa's smile fell. "No, nothing. We have no idea where it is, nor how long we have before it's too late."

"Hey." Wyatt said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You got us through this before, you'll do it again."

"I hope you're right brother." Willa sighed.

"Hey! Wyatt!"

The two looked over and saw Zed approaching with Addison as he waved.

"Hey Zed." Wyatt greeted. "So what happened with the football game?"

"We forfeited." He admitted. "The guys and I agreed making sure you and the wolves were taken care of was more important. There will always be more games, but without the moonstone there won't be more werewolves. You're apart of our pack now, the Seabrooke pack. We may make mistakes, but we look out for our own."

Wyatt was surprised by Zed's words. Lately there had been a lot of tension between them and he had begun to wonder if things would ever change. But seeing the sincerity in Zed's eyes, told him the Zombie was being honest. Maybe he had been wrong, maybe Zed did actually care.

"Thanks Zed." Wyatt smiled, holding out a hand for him to shake. "By the way, I never meant to cause trouble between you and Addison. Do you think we could start over?"

Zed glanced at Addison who was flashing him an encouraging smile. Wyatt was her brother, it would probably be a best to be on his good side. Besides, relieving the tension could help them focus on the task at hand.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Zed agreed, shaking his hand. "I got to admit, you've got talent on the football field."

"Thanks, you do too." Wyatt replied. "For a Zombie, you're pretty fast."

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