Stand Your Ground

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Excited chatter filled the gym as everyone gathered for cheer tryouts. The teams current members sported their cheer uniforms while those trying out wore regular athletic attire.

"Alright, everybody gather around!" Addison called out, blowing the whistle. "It's time to get our cheer on!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered as they formed a semi circle around her.

Addison smiled as everyone gathered around. It was amazing to see humans, zombies, and werewolves all gathered in one place going after after the same goal. A year ago, she would have never pictured the scene in front of her would become reality.

"Alright everyone, as you know we had eight of our cheerleaders graduate last year so we have eight spots open. I wish the best of luck to those trying out and even if you don't make it this year please come join us again next year. You never know when it will be your chance to shine." Addison smiled brightly.

Bree stepped forward with a wide smile. "Addy's right. I never thought I'd be a flyer but here I am. Here at Seabrooke anything is possible when you have good friends by your side."

"Thank you Bree." Addison smiled. "Now who's ready to cheer!?"

"Well I hope you're not starting without Seabrooke's best."

Everyone turned to see Bucky and the Aceys standing in the doorway of the gym.

"Bucky? What are you doing here? I thought you were busy running the school?" Addison asked in confusion as she stepped towards her cousin.

Bucky grinned, moving towards her. "Well it turns out Cuz, that being president doesn't require as much work as I thought. So since my most of my afternoons will be free, I decided to put my extra time into what's important, keeping this team on top. So hand over the whistle."

"What!?" Addison cried. "You promised me that I was going to be cheer Captain this year! You can't just walk in here and take it back!"

"I think I just did." He smirked, grabbing the whistle around her neck.

A hand grabbed Bucky's wrist before he could yank it off and he looked up to see Bonzo towering over him. "Non grouch gerb (Don't touch her)."

"Get off me zombie freak!" Bucky snapped, yanking his hand away. "This doesn't concern you!"

"You're right, it concerns all of us." Bree spoke up, placing herself between Addison and Bucky. "This is our team and Addy is our captain. You can't just waltz in here and take that away."

"You guys are just threatened because you know if we rejoin then theres less spots for you all try out for. Not that you'd all make it anyway." Stacey sneered.

"Yeah what she said." Lacey added.

Bucky sighed impatiently and held out his hand. "Just hand over the whistle Addison, it'll make things easier on everyone."

Addison looked at her cousin in disbelief. She knew he could be a jerk, but how could he just waltz in and crush her dreams? She looked back at the team behind her. Seeing everyone united, that was her dream. A dream Bucky would never allow to be fulfilled.

"No." Addison answered, looking her cousin in the eye and wrapping her hand tightly around the whistle. "I'm captain now. If you and the Acey's want to rejoin the team that's fine, but I'm in charge."

"What!?" Bucky laughed mockingly. "Do you really think we're going to follow you? I am a leader, not a follower and this was my team before it was ever yours."

Addison's fists clenched in anger. "You think you're a leader Bucky, but your not. A real leader listens to his team and does what's best for the whole team, not just themselves. I'm tired of you using us like your own personal pep rally. So I say no more!"

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