~•Chapter 1•~

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You tried to get to sleep but all you heard was two cats whispering, suddenly you felt a cat leap on top of you which caused you squeal in alarm and shoot your eyes open to see WhiteKit and TigerKit laughing.

"That wasn't funny!" You whimpered, your bones feeling sore after being crushed by TigerKit's weight.

The two Tom purred in amusement, "Sorry but it was the only way we could wake you up," WhiteKit giggled, TigerKit nodding in agreement.

You finally stud up and shook your pelt, "So... why did you wake me up at a time like this?"

TigerKit rolled his eyes, "were going to sneak out of camp!"

You decided to go with them, you know cause of boredom and you followed WhiteKit with TigerKit close behind. The three of you ran across the forest floor until you came to a stop near a huge gap in the ground with a flow of rushing water from the river filling it up.

"Look! It's the gorge!" The white kit squealed.

You quickly padded to the edge of the gorge looking into it, "wow, it's huge!"

You leaned closer, With TigerKit also looking into the gorge beside you. "Woah, it it's big isn't it?"

You leaned forward to look at the stars stones in the gorge. Suddenly you felt your paws slip, using your small claws to try and pull yourself up, but to no avail.

You felt the blood pound in your ears, dangling from the ledge with the loud rushing water below you, your P/C pelt ruffled up, "Help! Someone!"

WhiteKit panicked not knowing what to do, your grip loosened. Your eyes widened as you knew you were already going to die, seeing that your not going to being able to become a warrior to defend your clan. "I-I can't hold on!"

Suddenly, TigerKit leaped forward to grab your scruff and helped you up. You sat up, staring at your small paws in shock, trembling.

Suddenly, you heard distant voices coming from camp, mingled in with WhiteKit and TigerKit comforting you.

"K-K/N are you okay?" WhiteKit mewed.

TigerKit growled, "Of cause she isn't ok!"

"What are you kits doing here?!" A voice boomed over us, you look up to see ThistleClaw and BlueFur.

You felt some cat grab your scruff before it went black and every voice around you became muffled.


You woke up to find yourself in the medicine den, no one other than GooseFeather was here. He turned his head to see you awake.

"Glad you finally woke up," he mewed as started sorting herbs again, he sighed quietly.

"Is something wrong?" You asked, concerned. GooseFeather looked at you before finally deciding to speak.

"Well TigerKit isn't really happy, his father abandoned him and went to live the life of a kitty pet..." GooseFeather murmured. "Maybe you can talk to him, also you might want to get more rest for morning, it will be your apprentice ceremony tomorrow."

You nodded and slowly padded out of the medicine den, no one was around as every cat was asleep, "wow, was I really asleep for that long?" You mumbled.

Finally, you noticed TigerKit sitting near the camp entrance staring at his paws. "A-are you ok TigerKit? GooseFeather told me what happened..."

TigerKit shoved his head into your chest fur, You flinched before embracing him, trying to comfort the wailing kit, "shhh, I-it's ok you'll get through this, don't worry."

The Tabby kit purred, lifting his head to look into your E/C eyes, "T-thank you K/N, will you always be there for me?"

K/N smiled and nodded, "I will always be there for you."

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