1: Hey...
2: Mhm?
2: Why did you wake me up?
1: I just need to talk...
2: *Sigh* ok, what's up?
1: I... I just...
1: I can't anymore.
2: You can't what?
1: I don't know...
1: I don't know, I just cant do any of this anymore.
1: It's all just so scary and I feel so small compared to everything...
2: It's all going to be okay,
2: It's all going to be okay.
1: How do you know that?
2: I don't.
2: But you can't see the sun if you don't bother to get through the rain.
1: I'm sorry...
2: For what?
1: I don't know...
2: Let's just get back to sleep, okay?
1: Okay...
2: Goodnight.
1: Goodnight.

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