Do you ever just like... Stop caring about yourself? Like, you care about everyone else and when someone asks you how you are you say you're fine even if you aren't? And you avoid questions about yourself and you say it's because you don't like questions, but really it's because you don't know who you are? It's because you don't care who you are when there are other people you could be helping? You downplay yourself because you feel you aren't enough?

Stop it.

Let me tell you, it doesn't help anyone if you don't help yourself.

You're doing this so no one worries about you. So you can keep being sad with a smile on your face.

Well, when you help so much, people start to notice that you aren't happy.

Help yourself first, then help others.

Stop being so selfless. It's not selfish to want to be mentally stable and okay.

It's okay to be not okay, but it's not okay to purposely stop caring about yourself.

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