Here are some more words that can be broken down or shortened:

(NOTE: it's 1AM when I'm writing so these are all stretches, none are to be taken seriously cuz they're all dumb af)

Hap: luck or chance

Lo: usually used in a phrase to draw attention (ex: lo and behold)
Velle: Latin for "to wish"
Ly: of German origin, means like

The wish of drawing attention to those you like (romantically or platonically).

Tho: unpopular spelling of "though"
o: unpopular shortened version of "of"
ugh: express annoyance or disgust
ti: titanium

Annoyance of something though it has a tight grip on your mind.

Fee: to pay
ar: relating to

Relation towards paying with your life.
(Haha this is dumb but whatever)

So: to great extent
Re: anew

Renewing a relationship to a large extent after an incident

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