A showcase with @MayceeMouse, author of Brooding Souls

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I  often catch myself narrating my actions in my thoughts as an mc in a first person story might do; which never fails to amuse me as I have a flare for the dramatic. One day, I wondered what would happen if I tried to capture those moments and transplant them into characters who have deep, tragic or just plain dramatic backstories... and that's how Brooding Souls was born:)

 2 what was something you struggled with your for your story?

Context, mostly. Sometimes I get an amazing idea with the perfect characters and the correct blend of emotions and I just want to write their story... but I just don't have any background on the story of any type of storyline that I want to follow.

 3 what has been the overall response of your story been from your readers? 

Unfortunately, I haven't had a very great response when it comes to this book. I don't have that many readers, but I do hope to build that up with time

4 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

I love the transformation! Taking my own emotions and pouring it into a new character, and dictating why s/he is feeling that way is a very unique feeling, and can actually be quite therapeutic at times as well

 5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series? 

Brooding Souls is a single, standalone collection of short stories for now, but you can never be too sure what the future holds ;)

6 what would you like readers to take away from your story?

I'd like my readers to learn to just... live in the moment... and to enjoy every moment.I feel that many of us experience a lot of undue anxiety and stress by worrying and fussing over future and past events that we have little to no control over. If we could just learn to let go and enjoy the NOW, we'd be a lot more happier and content. (Disclaimer: if you have a mental illness or do happen to suffer from depression, anxiety, etc., please do seek help from a professional.)

 7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their stories?

Never give up! Even if you aren't getting the response and feedback that you expected when you started writing, just persevere and keep writing! Remember that you are writing for yourself first

 8 does the main character share any similarities to yourself? 

Most of my MC's share characteristics with me, but I usually use small things that hardly anyone would notice until it's pointed out to them. But one thing that all my characters share with me is that we're super short :)

9 what is something of your story, you believe would draw in new readers? 

I haven't actually given this a lot of thought... I'd like the depth of emotion and personality that I've poured into these characters in these short stories to draw in readers, but I fear that that might not be reasonable. A girl can hope, however

10 do you have any future projects?

Yes! At the moment, I am working on a sequel to "Smiles for Sofia" in my (very limited) free time, as well as a very special secret project ;)

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