A showcase with @AliasScarlet, author of Adrift

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

Comics like: Lookism and GTO that features teenage delinquency along with life lessons. Japanese thriller novels: Real World by Natsuo Kirino, Confessions by Kanae Minato. I wrote this story while I was deeply entrenched in depression and it was the only thing that kept me going.

 2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

Fight scenes. It's my first time writing a novel in this genre mix so it was all so new to me. It was the hardest but it's also very rewarding.

 3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

I enjoyed everything but mostly with the first lead's first person structure. She's so fun to write, sometimes I feel I've fallen in love with her! jk. Also I enjoyed the fight scenes and the family dynamics.

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers? 

I may not have many reads but I'm so glad to have loyal readers! The compliments I mostly get is character building and descriptions :)

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ? 

stand alone

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

Bullying is detrimental not only to the victim but also to the perpetrator. The bully channeling their anger/hate in a wrong outlet, the victim having to absorb all that - it damages both of them. Another is my favorite quote from Elie Wiesel: We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

 7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

Research your subject. Ask people who have the same experiences or who can tell you more about certain things about your scenes. Second is, ideas are cheap but the execution is hard work. No matter how unique or amazing your idea is, it'll always come down to how it is done. Even the cliches can outdo original ideas if written well.

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

We're both spontaneous and feel like we're the odd one out (at least that's what I felt in High School). Aoi's loud and impatient while I'm usually described as reserved and calm.

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

Aoi's a strong female lead that does not necessarily have to replicate male descriptions.

10 do you have any future projects?

I'd probably go back to contemporary fiction with adult characters. Specifically Asian setting because I think Asian culture should be represented more

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