A showcase with @piker100, author of Like the fairytales

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1 what inspired the idea of your story? 

Nothing actually inspired the story. It just started with a random casual thought. The idea was about the imperfections you have even though you are perfect. The things that always stick by are insecurities and flaws. Good things may rot away but flaws are there to stay.

2 what was something you struggled with for your story ? 

I struggled with, and still am, a storyline. I am not an organised author. I have no clue as to what the storyline is. I just wrote one chapter and the other and its kept on growing ever since. I want to show the harsh reality but I am afraid that it'll hurt me. I am more like those type of people who prefer Fairytale endings over anything. I can't think about dark for longer or I get overwhelmed. Another thing is parting with the story after it ends. I have the constant urge to keep the story flowing. I can't handle the fact that the story just ended. If I could, I'd keep the book going even when the characters are dead.

3 what has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

Those who read it have given me a positive response as to the flow of the story. They like the characters being spontaneous.

 4 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

I loved making relationships and pacifying situations wherein the characters were at odds. I really enjoyed writing every chapter.

 5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

As of now, I have decided to keep this a stand alone but as I mentioned earlier, I have this thing to keep things going the way they are.

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

I'd like them to understand that they don't need a guy to love them but can love themselves and stay happy. They need to express themselves to their other so that things don't be a misunderstanding

7 what's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story

They need to have a clear mindset as to what they wanna portray. Things like the characters choices really shape them. We don't generally like a person who is an ace at studying and a pro athlete and master karate expert. They really need to have an outline for the characters

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Yes. One of the main characters is just like me. She isn't shy to not express herself but she loves sunlight. She is a teenager yet she likes clothes that are for children. The character of her elder sister is based on my sister. It's pretty much the life we'd have led if we were in the States

 9 what's something you believe would draw in new readers?

I have no clue. If anybody has a clue please let me know. I'll try anything.

 10 do you have any future projects?

Yes, dozens. I have to re edit all the books that are on the pallette. Additionally, I have two trilogies coming up later. It'll take a lot of time but I'm ready to give it all in.

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