A showcase with @caCrisostomo, author of In Between the Lines

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

This story began with a joke. Literally. I was talking to a friend about silly romance storylines and she said: "How about a writer falling in love with his ghostwriter?". And on the blink of an eye, I began to write that down. Of course I was planning the project to go as far as I went, but I'm glad I got there. Some subplots were inspired by events I've followed closely, but I can't say it haha. Overall, i just wanted to write something different.

 2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story? 

Well.. I started the story in Portuguese, trying my best to make it *sounds* good, literally speaking. I tend to drift away while reading, so I wanted to write IBTL in a flowy, tender way, so that when I come back to it, either to revise or to my own pleasure of reading it again, I wouldn't be skimming it. As English is not my native language, it was hard at first, but after a while, I got used to it -and now I wouldn't change it for nothing in this world!

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

The challenge. It was hard to build up a whole book using rhymes, but that's, honestly, my favourite part. It makes In Between the Lines special. And, of course... I also loved to make the ship happen haha

4 what's the overall response of your story from your writers? 

It's still quite early to see, but I've found the public response so kind! Wattpad is certainly a great place to be in.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ? 

It's the first book of a series of two. I'm still unsure either to make it one, or if I should do separated volumes. But we shall see :D

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

I would like readers to learn with the story that they should always speak up for themselves. *Every time.* I want them to learn that sometimes a single word can make the biggest difference. If you love someone, say it. Don't let it be in between the lines. If you feel compelled to try something? Do it! Life rushes by way too fast to trapped in the middle of a tread of uncertainties.

 7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story? 

My prime advice is simply to write. Anything, any time. I remembering getting flashes of it in the middle of dinner-picture someone writing in a napkin by the corner of a restaurant, that's me. And when the feared writer's block comes in, give yourself some time, then find a piece of paper- to write. Anything, it doesn't matter if it's connected to the story or not. Just do it. You might be surprised.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Oh surely! But all our characters do have at least a little bit in common with us, don't they? Astorious is naive, a daydreamer to the core and old-fashioned, just like me! I have a typewriter (Smith&Corona 1946) myself, and I would type down all my stories there, before realizing I should just stick to my century hahaha

 9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

I believe the MCs stories are pretty relatable. Hadwin misses his past but is looking foward to a future, while tries to deal with his past choices; Astorious lost someone and needs to overcome his shame by acknowloding his worth. Those are the perks of being a grown up hah

 10 do you have any future projects?

As for now, I'm focused on promoting, polishing and -maybe- finding an literary agent to take care of this story for me. It's a dream to get it published traditionally, but we shall see to where the wind will blow :) I'm also looking foward to finish some side projects, such as my Sherlock Holmes novel and a sci-fi/literary/fantasy I've been writing for ages. Lots to do, so little time!!

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