26 - Hero

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Luke is shouting at DJ telling him that protection has been compromised. Mara manages to make her way out of the crowd, but they're not interested in her, so it was easy for her. I can feel that they are pulling at Madden because my arm is jerking back. DJ grabs hold of me, protecting me like a shield and Madden is pulled from my grasp. I can see that she's holding the hood tightly over her head but one of the men has hold of her. Fucking dick heads. I shout at DJ to let me go, but he keeps walking forward. Luke and Markus stay back, pushing through the fans, the men and all the cameras. The crowd has grown too large for me to see Madden anymore. My body is raving with anger and worry right now. I'm mad at my lifestyle and I'm fucking frustrated with DJ for literally carrying me away from my girl.

DJ doesn't let me go until we're on my private jet. I start fucking attacking him with my words, but he remains silent and stands between me and the door, not letting me past him. Mara is already on the jet, sitting in her usual front seat as she takes hold of my hand. I rip my hand away from her. I'm fuming, I feel the angry throughout my veins and the anxiety is giving me a fucking headache.

Moments pass and the jet doors open again. Markus walks in and followed behind is Madden and Luke. DJ moves from the door and takes a seat beside Mara, Luke sits across from them, and Markus beside Luke. I look down at Madden's legs to see her jeans ripped at her knees and her entire body shaking. She walks to me and falls into my arms. Holding her, I walk her to the back of the jet where there is a small room with a bed for me. I shut the door to give us some privacy and we sit on the bed. She doesn't say a word to me, nothing comes out from her beautiful mouth. I ask her if she's okay, which is the dumbest fucking thing to ask because I can clearly see she is not.

An hour into the flight, and she finally falls asleep in my arms. There's a light tap at the door and I lightly put her down on the bed. I opened the sliding door and exist the little room I leave her in. I sit across from Mara and she shows me videos of the disaster at the Vancouver airport.

The pap with the red San Fran hat pulls at the back of Madden's sweater and pulls her arm. He pulls her so roughly that her embrace is pulled from my hand and the paparazzi let me go ahead to try to find out who Madden is. She falls to the ground, trying to escape the mob around her but doesn't manage to break free. Luke and Markus push through the crowd and Luke pulls Madden up to her feet while Markus pushes their way out of the crowd. Plenty more airport staff now holding the crowd back allowing them to get to the jet the rest of the way without any more chaos.

My eyes are heavy, I feel the burden of my life weighing on my chest from what I just watched. Mara suggests that we sue the paparazzi's company for harassment as he touches Madden, which he is not allowed to do. She said she already has the paperwork and just needs to get the lawyer to deliver it. I give Mara the go ahead and she sends an email to the lawyer right away. Mara takes my hand, "How is she?" I nod my head to say not good and see that she is looking for more. "I got her to stop shaking but she hasn't said much to me. She's sleeping now, so I just want to let her be." Mara acknowledges the worry in my voice, and she tells me to go get some sleep. As I walk to the little room, Mara dims the lights for everyone to get some rest. When I enter the room, Madden is curled into a ball on the bed, still sleeping. I grab an extra blanket from the cupboard above the bed, throw it over her and cuddle up to her. In her sleep, her body comes into mine and I hold her.

I wake up 30 minutes later to a kiss on the forehead. My eyes flicker open and her face is right in front of mine. "Babe, I—" she puts one finger on my lips to shh me. "I'm okay." "I watched the video." She nods. I kiss her all over and she giggles to my touch. "How are we going to avoid that when we land?" My only idea is a dumb one, but it's the only option. "DJ, Mara and I are going to go out separately and I'm going to let them come crowd me. If they crowd me, then they won't try to find you." I know she wants to argue it, but she can't, and she knows it. "You, Markus and Luke will go out towards the back of the airport where there will be an SUV that you will go into and I will get into a limo that waits out front. Luke will drive you guys to the house, and I will meet you there." I can tell by her face that she doesn't like the plan, but she cannot argue it. Before leaving the little room, I hand her a new sweater this time blue and much larger and then we join the others.

I explain the plan to the crew and all of them agree. Even Mara who usually hates my ideas. There was the time I told her I wanted to get two guard dogs and she laughed in my face just to tell me that my idea was a guaranteed lawsuit. I turn to Markus and Luke, not hiding my frustration with them from earlier, in my tone, "If you don't fucking keep her safe. I promise you will not have a job after." Madden looks at me as if to say that it wasn't their fault, but I ignore the look.

When the plane lands, Mara tells the flight attendants to make sure there is enough airport staff to cover us. 20 minutes go by, and I give my girl the longest and tightest hug, a hug I do not want to release but I have to.

I kiss the tip of her nose and leave the jet without turning back to check on her.

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