56 - Madden

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Skye is laughing and I know she's laughing at me, only because Hero is yelling at her telling her to shut up. Clearly this girl has some feelings for Hero that she has yet to let go and me, being the innocent and 'too friendly' girl that I am is having an impact on her. Skye keeps insulting me and trying to rattle me and I know that the drunker I get, the more that her comments will affect me and this will not turn out well for either of us. My common sense tells me that I need to stop drinking, but Rex pours me a third, then a fourth and then a fifth shot and that's when Hero stops me.  Hero has tolerated to the drinking, so even at seven shots he is barely tipsy but me at five shots and I'm drunk. My tongue is numb, the room is spinning and I am feeling horny; wishing I could be intoxicated while fucking my boyfriend. 

"Let's play Never Have I Ever?" Crispin suggests. Of course this group of friends likes to play games too. Hero immediately says no, as he does but the drunk me is on board. Of course, Skye takes her shot at me, "Never have I ever slept with Hero." So I take a swig from Hero's cup and then Skye does. Luckily, Clementine doesn't so I know that Hero wasn't lying about that one, not that I didn't believe him, I just didn't want to be wrong about my trust in him. Knowing what I know about Skye, I take my shot back, "Never have I ever whored myself around the entire group." I expected Clementine to take a swig, suggesting that she's been with Crispin, Rex and Rhys and I already knew that Skye would. Rex tries to calm the tension between the two of us, and blurts out a random one, "Never have I ever had sex in a forest." I am not surprised that Skye takes a swig, or Clementine but I am surprised that Hero does. I ignore it because I don't really care where and who he's had sex with in the past; the only person of my concern right now is Skye. Clementine then says, "Never have I ever made a sex tape." Everyone, except me takes a swig of their drink. Statements have been made around the entire group, reaching Skye again, "Never have I ever been the one who caused my entire family to die." The lack of sensitivity as she makes the cruel statement is scary; she obviously was coming after me and the fact that she even brought that up was uncalled for. Before Hero can snap for me, I stand up, trying to hold my balance. Hero follows behind me as I approach her, to cover me if I fall. She stands as I get to her, face to face, I can smell the alcohol off her breath. "You fucking cunt." The words leave my mouth without any eviction and then I push her shoulders. The boys sit at the edge of the couch, Clementine is oblivious to what is happening--distracted by her sexting. Hero takes a step back as Skye pushes me back and without thinking, I swing my arm at her, forming my hand into a fist and I hit her square in the face. She tilts her head back, covering her nose, blood rushing from it. The boys are chanting and laughing, Clementine finally removes her eyes from the naked vagina picture she just received and goes to help Skye. Skye and Clementine go to the bathroom, Hero takes me to the kitchen and the boys just chant on: Madden. Madden. Madden. Their chanting grows faint as we enter the kitchen.

Hero takes my hand, my knuckles swelling from the pressure of my hand hitting her nose. He gets ice from the freezer and places it on my hand. "I never thought I would be the one healing your wounds after a fight." He says to me. Laughter escapes his mouth, and he knows he shouldn't be laughing but that entire moment he just witnessed was out of my character and I bet he loved every minute of it. Hero holds the ice on my knuckles and plants a kiss on my lips, "You're amazing and drunk. But still amazing." We both enjoy a short moment of quality time together, making out as I sit on the kitchen counter and Hero presses his warm body against mine. We are interrupted by Rhys who comes into the kitchen looking for a snack. Hero leaves to go check on Skye, who doesn't deserve his attention but gives it to her because he doesn't need her bleeding all over the damn house. While he is gone, Rhys comes over to me, looking to comfort me. He takes the ice on my hand, and holds it in place. "That was wild!" He exclaims. I nod my head, agreeing with him. My head is spinning from the mixture of alcohol and my fight. "She's right you know? We never thought Hero would settle down, especially with someone like you?" In my angry state, I respond back with a harsh tone; "What is that suppose to me?" Rhys goes on to explain that Hero always was with someone like Skye; someone punk and less innocent than me. Rhys words almost get to me, but I am taken aback when he forces his lips against mine. This disgust is a feeling I know too well, a feeling I felt every single time Noah forced himself on me; I never thought I'd feel this way again. I try to break free from Rhys' lips but he pushes them ever harder against mine, and pins my arms down onto the counter, hurting my swollen knuckles. I try to push my head back, but manage to hit it on the cupboard above; there is nowhere for me to go right now. Seconds of being against his lips feels like hours, until he is being pulled off me. When I open my eyes, Hero is standing above Rhys who lays on the ground and he is feeding him punch after punch. Blood is spilling on the floor from his nose, and now the crowd that was in the living room, joins us in the kitchen. 

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