74 - Madden

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The limo pulls up to Sophie and Joe's very cute, minimalistic home. As I step out of the limo, I'm greeted by a running Sophie, and two women standing behind her. Sophie embraces me with a hug and introduces me to her J-Sisters, "Dani and Pri, this is Madden, the woman I was telling you about!" Priyanka wraps her arms around me, giving me an unexpected hug then turns to Danielle, "We know all about you. It's amazing what you have overcome." Sophie nods along with the women and adds, "And the fact that you've whipped Hero into shape is a bonus!" The four of us laugh along; I may not have been around when Hero was a mess but the common comment that I hear is that I've changed him. Truthfully, I know the things he's done because he told me everything, but I don't like to say that I've changed him. Hero had a tough childhood, compelling him to create defense mechanisms in order for him to cope with his life and being pushed into the spotlight did not help him. Hero created bad strategies, like banging every woman in sight and drinks his days and night away, but I don't blame him for being the 'bad guy' that everyone is so keen to remember. My opinion is that I believe Hero hasn't changed but he's opened his heart and has let his guards down, allowing her true self to rise from beneath all the hurt he's gone through. I may be the one person who was able to break down those guards, and definitely the one person who he allows to see his true self but I did not change him.

* * *

The living room in Sophie's home is thoroughly decorated like a high school sleepover—the one's I've only seen in movies. I never had a sleepover, my parents wanted to make sure I was home in my bed and not in some boy's bed so that I focused strictly on my studies. I'm amazed at the work she's put in just for a single night and I will admit to myself but never to Hero; that he was right about this: all three of them are in sweatpants and something that is comfortable. Hero doesn't need the added satisfaction to his ego.

Sophie takes out three wine coolers, handing one to each of us but not herself. I don't question it or even think much of it, but she blurts out the reason, "I'm pregnant and that's why I wanted you all here!" I'm slightly confused as to why she'd want me here while she tells her sisters-in-law that she's pregnant; we only just met, and she is a very nice person whom I could be friends with but...we just met. I feel a bit uncomfortable as the three of them share hugs, I casually share my congratulations and sip on my cooler.

Each of us takes a seat on the couch, while they discuss their careers, I cannot relate because I'm not an Actress, a Model or a big-time jewelry designer and frankly, I don't even have a job. While they go on and on about their own lives, I find myself drifting off into thoughts about Hero. I wonder what Hero is doing. He's probably bored out of his mind or annoyed by the company. I hope he's being civil and not his charming self. Maybe I should send him a text to remind him to be nice. Danielle calls out my name and I don't acknowledge her the first time but when she calls the second time, I hear her. "Madden, I hear congratulations are in order for you as well, on your engagement!" I clear my throat, "Thank you." I'm not sure what else to say, I am very socially awkward. Priyanka steps in, "Well, we three are experts on weddings! Let us know if you need any advice or help!" She smiles so sweetly. Sophie throws a jab at Priyanka, "I think you mean you are the expert because you had TWO weddings." I join in on the laughter because everyone knows that Nick and Priyanka had two weddings in order to celebrate both religions and it really is just an amazing gesture they thought of. Anyone in my world would never be able to afford that but in this world, it's very possible.

We spend most of the day watching Netflix and Disney+ but take some time in the early evening to bake cinnamon rolls. Lots of laughs are shared and notably, I don't feel let out. I was anxious because I thought that since these three women are so close to each other, that I would be the odd one out but instead, I feel closer to them then I did at the start of this day. Once our masterpiece is in the oven, we decide to Uber Eats some Chinese food. They all insist on paying but I overruled them, "You've done enough for me today. Let this be on me!" After much convincing, I paid for the Uber, luckily Hero gave me the go ahead to use his card in advance because it's a three hundred-dollar Uber bill. I really need a job.

* * *

Each of us receive a call from our partners just before bed. I take my call into the hallway and speak quietly while they are more comfortable sharing their conversations with one another. "How's it going over there?" I ask Hero. I can tell by his tone of voice; he's had a few drinks as he slurs his words—correction he's utterly drunk. "It's-s-s-s fine. We-we are about to play some beer pong." This man does not need any more alcohol in his system, but then again he's inside our own home and who am I to stop him. "Be safe and try to slow down on your drinking." "Baby, if you were here, I'd be fucking you." I'm praying he isn't around the boys when he says this to me. I giggle at him, and on the inside, I know that this is very true. "Goodnight. I love you." "I love you baby!" I walk back into the living room, all three of them are off their phones already.  "They're all very drunk!" Danielle shouts. We all laugh along; turns out Hero isn't the only one who's been drinking too much.

Sophie falls asleep first, being the only one who is growing a tiny human inside her, definitely taking a lot out of her. Danielle, being the mother of two and she would argue the mother of three saying that Kevin is also a child, then Priyanka who has the busiest schedule of them all. I'm left in the dark and decorated room, starring at the photos on the wall of Sophie's family and friends. I imagine myself having children with Hero, but my conscience tells me that we've never even spoken of children—does Hero want kids?

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