Beginnings and Origins!

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((New Update:I may make some changes in my stories if I feel unhappy with it and I don't just mean typos. I've done it before, but I actually forgot to mention it ahead of time, I apologize.))

A boy with spiky black hair, lighting lightning bolt shape marks on each cheek and heterochromic eyes, one a brown and the other a grayish blue is in Pallet Town is watching a match with a Nidorino and Gengar, with the boy bouncing excitedly, a lamp and a few other items were floating oddly as the child got more excited.

"ASH!" A female voice yelled, which caused the items to fall down, some breaking as the boy, Ash, covered his ears.

"Look at the mess you made you little brat!" Delia yelled, Ash clearly frightened. "I-I'm sorry Mom!" Ash cried, but that didn't stop Delia from slapping the boy. It wasn't always like this. You see, Delia Ketchum was a kind woman and a wonderful mother once upon a time, even when her spouse left her to "go on a pokemon journey", she stayed strong, for her son and for herself. However, she noticed something strange with her son. He didn't talk. He was two years old, normally, two year olds would speak, even if would be short sentences or one one word at a time.

She did however noticed her son's increasing intellect on English, Japanese, mathematics and pokemon. Ash always communicated with writing. Delia was at least happy Ash has a way to communicate. He especially was most fond about learning about pokemon, always reading books about pokemon food, types, moves and other pokemon facts.

One day, she finds a flyer advertising Professor Oak's Pokemon Summer Camp and knowing his boy's love of pokemon, she asked him if he wanted to go. Ash was obviously very happy, writing "Yes" at least twenty times on his notebook. Delia was so happy his little boy wanted to open up. Before learning about the camp, Delia and Ash met Professor Oak a long time ago since the pokemon professor babysat for him a few times. Ash was very close to the man, as if he was family. Professor Oak had also noticed the boys intelligence, so he tutors Ash about pokemon quite often. Ash was quite a fast learner when it comes to pokemon. When the Professor heard that Ash signed up for his summer camp, he was thrilled, but they had to wait for the next one since Delia slept in and Ash had made failed attempts to wake her up, but at least the camps don't last long.

After the summer camp was over, Ash has made some improvements. He was speaking, Professor Oak said he even made friends. A boy and girl, however, some of the kids bullied Ash for acting odd. The bullying didn't stop however. Ash was constantly harrassed by a lot of kids in Pallet Town, especially by Gary Oak, Professor Oak's grandson. After a few weeks, Delia has decided to take Ash to a child psychiatrist, they learned Ash has Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism, specifically on the Asperger's side.What made it stranger is that Ash even had psychic powers, as was learned when Ash was trying to get a book and it floated off and into Ash's tiny hands.

That was three months after the last time Ash came home with bruises from the bullies.After those months, Delia has become more stressed and starts to drink. One time, she downed a rather large amount of bourbon. Little Ash was getting worried, he read that too much alcohol can ruin your liver and kill brain cells. Ash warned his mother, but in her drunken state, she got mad and smacked him across the face. This clearly startled Ash, as Delia had never hit him, except smacking his shoulder by accident to get a bug away.
It went downhill from there. He's been getting hurt more often by his mom and his bullies.

That incident was two weeks ago. He never told anyone about his mom, he cared about her and even if he tried, it most likely wouldn't have made a difference. Delia had a knack for putting up a lovely facade of being the perfect mother and nextdoor neighbor.

Now Ash is almost ten, he learned to control his powers mostly, however, when he's really scared, they can sometimes go out of whack. However, he always makes sure to practice every day, as Professor Oak said, "Practice makes perfect!". Not too long ago, Professor Oak has found a strange book that was completely blank inside, but when Ash holds it, words appear, in the description, it said only those that wield aura can see the book and let others see it, so he made sure to train even harder with his aura and psychic powers.

Yes, Ash was extraordinary. He's psychic, intelligent and on top of that, he's Professor Oak's star pupil and had graduated to being Junior Professor. Even some of the bullies left Ash alone, however, Gary didn't. Tomorrow was the day. Tomorrow, Ash becomes a pokemon trainer.

End of Chapter One

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