Pokemon I Choose You

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((Edit. You may notice the pokemon lists aren't on the chapters. I might just gonna place them at the bottom of each page, but try to make them more tidy))
(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech and [ ] is the pokedex)

Today was the day. The day Ash becomes a pokemon trainer. He woke up at 6:45 A.M. ,did some training until 7:50 A.M., got dressed in an outfit that Professor Oak gave him yesterday and sneaking out, while he snuck a piece of toast for breakfast. He arrived at Professor Oak's lab, seeing Gary and two others at the lab to get their pokemon.

"Didn't think you'd make it here Ashy boy!" Gary taunted, the other two snickering softly. Ash just ignored them and walked inside, the others following suit. Professor Oak see them and says "I know there's four of you, but don't worry. Ash, I have a special pokemon for you.".
"Yeah right, I doubt you mean the good kind of special." Gary snickered after making that comment, the other two just looked at him with a "You went overboard " look. "Gary, one more comment of that sort and you don't get a pokemon." Professor Oak said coldly, which made Gary gulp nervously. "Y-yes Gramps.." Gary answered nervously, knowing it's not a good idea to tick off his grandfather.

"Good, anyways, you three may pick your pokemon." The three picks their pokemon. "Now I know you three are very anxious to leave and start your journey, but please stay for a little while longer." Oak had said, the three look at each other confused.
"Now Ash, the pokemon I have for you is an expert in being a therapy pokemon and I think you'll be very happy with it." Oak said with a smile, handing Ash a pokeball. Ash opens it and it reveals a shiny Pichu.

"Woah, a shiny Pichu?!" Ash exclaimed, Professor Oak nodding with a smile.
"And I want you to have these." Oak hands Ash a pokemon egg. The other three, especially Gary look jealous.
"Wow, are you sure about this Professor?" Ash asked, Oak replied with "I'm positive, consider it a special gift." "Thank you Professor!" Ash said, Oak smiles warmly and hands the four their pokedexes and a bag of pokeballs, containing thirty of the capsules. "Here are your pokedexes and some pokeballs." Oak said. Gary shook off his look of jealousy and said "Yeah yeah, smell ya later Gramps, my fanclub is waiting outside." , the other two leaving as well.

"Ash?" Oak said, the boy looking at him with confusion. "You're probably wondering why your Pichu is shiny, right?", Ash nods.
"Do you remember when you found out about your aura abilities? I did more research and about twenty five percent of aura users are likely to have all of the pokemon they obtain become shiny." Oak answered.
Ash asks "My aura makes them shiny?" Oak replies "Yes, it does, it's rare enough to find aura users, but for their pokemon to turn shiny, it's extraordinary! Granted, Pichu was already shiny to begin with, however, you needed to know that condition of yours. But that can lead to you being a target, Ash, promise me you be very careful and train hard." Ash pauses and replies "I promise Professor Oak. I'll do my best to make you proud." Oak pats Ash on the head and replies "I know you will my boy. Now, if you ever need anything, let me know. You can call me at any time." Ash then heads off with a final goodbye.

Ash turns to his new pokemon and says "Okay Pichu, you should get in your pokeball." Pichu shakes his head hard. "Oh, you don't like your pokeball? That's okay, you can be on my shoulder or walk with me." Ash replied, the Pichu nodding happily. They head right into Route One and Ash pulls out an apple out of a nearby tree and splits it in half with his telekinesis, handing one half to Pichu. "Want a snack?" Ash asks, the Pichu replies <Yes!> and noms in it. Ash smiles, "I'm glad I can understand you." Ash said. The Pichu replies <So the professor didn't lie! You can understand pokemon!> Ash smiles and eats his half of the apple. The two bonded rather quickly, even caught some pokemon, a Caterpie and a Rattata.

They were a little shocked to find they turned into shinies. Ash calms them down and explains his powers, the two new friends bond with Ash not too long after being caught. Ash and Pichu starts walking off and they get ambushed by a flock of angry Spearow.

<Hey! What's the big idea! > Pichu barks at the flock after getting scratched by the Spearow leader. <You are in our territory! Leave now!> The leader Spearow shouts, making Ash flinch. "Hang on Spearow, it's a misunderstanding! We were just on our way to Viridian City!" Ash said, knowing that a lot of pokemon can sense lies. The leader calms down a bit. <I'm sorry for my brashness. We were ambushed by a very rude trainer and his Squirtle a few minutes ago and we're a little grumpy.> The leader said.
"You met Gary and his Squirtle?" Ash asks. <You understand us and know that being?> The leader asks, Ash explains his powers and his past with Gary, the Spearow looking surprised and surprisingly sympathetic. <I'm deeply sorry about that cruel human. It's nice to learn that not all humans are bad.>

The Spearow leader said, he later says <This may be a strange request, but I would find it an honor to go with you.> This took Ash, Pichu and the Spearow flock by surprise.
<But leader! Who will lead us?> One Spearow asked, the leader looking at that Spearow and answers <You my brother. You have been a wonderful example to all of our flock. You are now leader of this flock.> <Thank you brother. I will do my best to make you proud. Promise you'll visit. > The new leader said, Ash's new Spearow nodding. After making it official with the pokeball, Ash and Pichu starts to walk off after saying goodbye to the Spearow flock.

After ten minutes of walking, a large bird like pokemon suddenly appears infront of Ash. It's the legendary pokemon Ho-Oh. <Child..Your aura is very powerful.> The Ho-Oh says gently, Ash, Pichu and Ho-Oh start to talk about many things, about his powers, his bond with the pokemon professor, and Ash admiting to Ho-Oh about the bullies, gaining Ho-Oh's sympathy, the pokemon giving Ash four of it's own feathers. Ash now was in the possession of four Rainbow Wings! <I know this seems peculiar, but I would like for you to be my trainer.> Ho-Oh says, this seriously shocks Ash and Pichu. "Are you sure?" Ash asks and Ho-Oh nods. <I however wish to at least not be in battle so I can not only adjust to being in the hands of a human, but to also to continue my duties.>
Ash nods and catches Ho-Oh. He decided to check his pokemon's dex info. He chose Pichu first.

[Pichu, the Tiny Mouse Pokemon. Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself. This Pichu is level 15 and it's are Thundershock, Nuzzle, Sweet Kiss ,and Volt Tackle*Egg Move*]

Ash was surprised Pichu knows Volt Tackle, but was happy regardless, as it's a very powerful move. He decided to check Ho-Oh's dex entry.

[Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokemon,It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted trainer by shining its bright rainbow-colored wings. This Ho-Oh's level is 70 and it's moves are Sky Attack, Future Sight, Brave Bird, Fire Blast, Ancient Power and Sacred Fire]

Ash was puzzled, but he remember pokemon can learn more than four moves at a time, they usually can't use more then four moves in official battles. Pichu and Ash's wounds open up, a bit more severe then they thought, but the gave each other a smile and walks off to the horizon,
as the journey continues.

End of Chapter Two

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