Big Race, Reserves and The Safari

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive in what Misty and Brock thought was the Safari Zone, however, when Brock to catch one of the Tauros, he gets ambushed by a Growlithe.

"Brock, I was trying to tell you we aren't at the Safari Zone. I had to come here because a daughter of a friend of Professor Oak asked for help." Ash explains with a sigh.

A girl with blue hair comes over walking with a rather exhausted Ponyta. "What do you think you're doing ?!" She said to Brock. "Ahh, sorry ma'am! I thought we were in the Safari Zone. Maybe I can treat you to a fancy dinner on me?" Misty yanks his ear and drags him away.

"Lara Laramie. An honor to finally meet you." Ash said, explaining he's here to help Ponyta. "Oh thank Goodness. This is her." She gets off of the Ponyta and Ash inspects the horse pokemon, noticing a large bump growing rather quickly in the stomach area.

"What are Ponyta's symptoms?" Ash has an idea on what's wrong, but he needs to be positive. "Well, she's been eating a lot, vomiting a lot, and she's been having weird mood swings." Ash nods and says "Has she been near any pokemon that are in her egg group? Maybe some other Ponyta?" Lara answers "That's a large majority of the pokemon and the visiting pokemon. But she has been real friendly with a male Rapidash we've been looking after for my cousin in the Hoenn region about four days ago."

Ash nods and says "Well, if I'm correct, your Ponyta isn't sick, but pregnant with an egg." Lara was shocked, but happy. "Oh thank goodness you're okay!" She said, hugging Ponyta, but the happiness was short lived.

"Wait, the Big P Pokemon Race is tomorrow! How is Ponyta gonna compete?
Ash smiled and said "Well, most pokemon give birth to their eggs when they get impregnated, but some have to wait at most a week, but from the looks of it, the egg-" Ash was interrupted by Ponyta shrill shrieks.

"Now."Ash finished with a sweat drop.
Ash helps with the egg laying and helping Ponyta relax. After an hour, Ponyta had two eggs.

Lara was in shock and in joy.
"Ash, thank you so much!" She cried.
Ash nods and says "It won't be long before Ponyta regains her energy. "

Lara hands Ash one of the eggs and says "It's only fair you have one of them." Ash was shocked and asks "Wait, are you sure about that?"
Lara nods with a smile. Ash accepts the egg and they help with Ponyta's recovery.

As Ash said, she made a full recovery rather quick. A male trainer named Dario around Lara's age was bothering her. Ash notices this and he decides to follow him with a camera just in case something happened. He sees that he's teaming up with Team Rocket to cheat his way into winning the race and planning to injure Lara and/or Ponyta by provoking a Tauros stampede.

He got the recording and went to Lara to warn her about Dario, but the stampede preoccupies her. It was too late, Dario's Dodrio pecks Ponyta, which causes her to be very startled and accidentally injures Lara's arm, Ash was successful in calming down Ponyta.

When Lara was being patched up, Ash shows Lara and the gang what he found. "Ohh, that Dario! Wait till I-oww.." She was interrupted by the pain in her arm.
The official for the race agreed this was unacceptable and disqualifies Dario from the race, due to misconduct involving the health of one of the racers. Ash volunteers to take Lara's place in the race after Lara suggests it.

The two finished in first place, Ash making sure he has his item repressing his powers on. After all, no one likes a cheater. When they reached Team Rocket , who decided to intrude anyways, Ponyta evolved into Rapidash and uses her new Flare Blitz attack on them, making them blast off again. Ash hugs his new egg, which starts to hatch into a shiny female Ponyta.

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