Holy Matrimony

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

After some training with the brothers they encountered in Stone Town, our heroes arrive in a country side town and they see a missing child sign that looks a lot like James from Team Rocket.

"Hey, that looks like a kid version of James." Ash said, pointing at the poster. The other two were shocked. Then a woman that looks a lot like Jessie goes to them, while a Vileplume was walking with her. Ash reads her mind, learning that her name is Jessebelle and he was the arranged fiance of James and sees some..dark parts of her personality.

Dominating, cruel, and money hungry. He even sees her insulting James' Growlithe that he named Growlie. Ash was disgusted by her.

"Did I just here you know my sweet James?" She asked, Brock and Misty nods. Ash just glared at her.
"I'm his fiance, Jessebelle's the name.
Can you help me reunite with him?"
Brock and Misty try to agree, but Ash said "No way. Someone that was that cruel to someone and to his pokemon shoulder be with anyone."

Team Rocket were eavesdropping, James was shocked that the twerp was standing up for him. Jessebelle was shocked that he knows about all of that.

"Alright, how about a wager?" A male voice said. Two people appear from a limo, they're James' parents and the father was the who offered the wager. "You and Jessebelle have a pokemon battle. If Jessebelle wins, the conditions still stands and we get all of your pokemon and if you win, you get a shiny Munchlax and shiny Lapras and we'll call of James' engagement. However, you have to use a pokemon that is in the first or second stage of it's evolution and to make it more interesting, it can't be a fire, flying, normal or electric type pokemon. Deal?"

Ash thinks and says "Deal." Ash sends out Dratini while Vileplume takes the battle field. Team Rocket appears and they agree not to do any tricks if they can watch.

Ash has no objections and neither does Jessebelle, but she guarantees that she'll win. Ash smirks and says "Don't say I didn't warn you Jessebelle. You shouldn't force someone into marriage."

Ash goes over Dratini's moves. Wrap, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Slam, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Safeguard, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Extreme Speed*Egg Move*, Dragon Dance*Egg Move*, Dragon Breath*Egg Move*, and Dragon Rush*Egg Move*.

The battle begins with Vileplume starting off with Stun Spore.
Ash's Dratini dodges and uses Safeguard, now it can't be inflicted with status conditions after a while.
Dratini then uses Extreme Speed and hits Vileplume square in the face, but that's when Vileplume countered with a powers Drain Punch, but that caused Dratini to evolve into Dragonair. Ash scans Dragonair.

[Dragonair, the Dragon Pokemon and the evolved form of Dratini.
A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura. It is said to have the ability to change the weather. This Dragonair is level 69 and knows the moves Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Slam, Ice Beam, Aqua Tail, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Safeguard,Outrage,Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Extreme Speed*Egg Move*, Dragon Dance*Egg Move*, Dragon Breath*Egg Move*, and Dragon Rush*Egg Move*]

Dragonair swiftly ends the battle with Draco Meteor. After the battle, Dragonair wraps herself around Ash's arm and nuzzles him affectionately.
James' father sighs and hands Ash the pokeballs containing Lapras and Munchlax.

They explain they just wanted the family line to continue, but Ash says "You can just let James find his true love or he can adopt."
The two were saddened, but as agreed, the engagement is cancelled , but Jessebelle wasn't so willing to give up.

"Vileplume, attack that boy and make sure you punish James!" She ordered after she healed Vileplume, but a Growlithe came and attacked Vileplume. It was Growlie, James' Growlithe. The two hugged, a loving reunion was happening. Jessebelle fled while screaming "That stupid Growlithe will pay one day!"

The gang and Team Rocket went their separate ways, meeting his new Munchlax and a very shy Lapras.

Hearing some stories, like how Munchlax's father helped a town when there town was out of water by eating the vines that were blocking the water and the Lapras is only a hatchling and was separated by her herd a few months ago in the Orange Islands and some kids abused Lapras after being separated and was captured and barely went out of the pokeball except to eat ever since.

Ash was saddened by Lapras' story and promised after the Indigo League, they'd go to the Orange Islands and try to find Lapras's herd. Lapras was happy and nuzzles Ash lovingly. He checks their dex entries.

[Munchlax, the Big Eater Pokemon.
Stuffing itself with vast amounts of food is its only concern. Whether the food is rotten or fresh, yummy or tasteless-it does not care.
This Munchlax is level 45 with the Ability Thick Fat and knows the moves Lick, Metronome, Covet, Rest, Snore, Sleep Talk, Stockpile, Swallow, Screech, Body Slam, Flail, Mega Punch, Bite, Hyper Voice, Belch*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, Fissure*Egg Move*, and Double-Edge *Egg Move *]

[Lapras, the Transport Pokemon.
A smart and kindhearted Pokémon, it glides across the surface of the sea while its beautiful song echoes around it. This Lapras is level 55 with the Ability Water Absorb and knows the moves Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Sing, Ice Shard, Brine, Hydro Pump, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Life Dew,
Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Fissure*Egg Move*, Horn Drill*Egg Move*, Freeze-Dry*Egg Move*, and Sparkling Aria*Egg Move*]

Lapras explained that James' parents often fed her exp candies, hence her high level for her age.
Our heroes are off to find Cinnabar Island.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Thirty Three

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