Pokemon Fashion Flash

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive in Scissor Street thanks to Brock.
"Why did you want to come here Brock?" Misty asked, Ash then says "Scissor Street is also called Breeder's Lane."

Misty nods and says "Oh yeah, I bet he's looking for some good breeder gear." Brock seems to be looking for something in particular.

They come along a busy salon called Salon Roquet. Ash says "How much do you wanna bet it's Team Rocket?" Misty and Brock just ignore him and Brock says "Is that supposed to be a pokemon or a Christmas tree?"

Ash gagged a bit. He never understood why people would dress up their pokemon like that unless it was the pokemon's wishes. But it clearly wasn't here. He remembered reading about a famous breeder named Suzie that has a shop nearby, she even has a Vulpix.

His own Vulpix could make good friends with her. He let's out his Vulpix and carries her, finding Suzie's shop, Brock relieved Ash found it and the other two following him. They see the famous Suzie, giving a massage to a Chansey. Chansey's trainer came and picked her up, the trainer and Suzie being friendly, even saying "See you soon Suzie."

After introductions, Brock was blushing a storm and stammers out saying he wants to be a breeder like Suzie.

"Well, I'm very flattered." Misty was found cooing over Suzy's Vulpix, who was napping on a velvet chair. Misty picks it up, Suzie and Ash trying to convince her not to do that. She found out why by having a Flamethrower in the face. Brock finally said "Suzie, I beg to accept me as your pupil!"

Everyone was shocked at this request, Suzie said that she doesn't have students and that breeding takes up all of her time. Ash asks to use the bathroom, to which Suzie gave the directions to.

(I forgot to add this detail in any of the chapters and I'm sorry. T.T)

Ash looks in the mirror, removing his bangs across his grayish blue eye and
has a look of shame and disgust towards said eye, scratch that, both eyes. And it was thanks to the bullies.

Ash was around two when he began taking note of his odd eyes and he saw a moment in an episode of his mom's favorite shows.

It showed a long montage of a boy with heterochromic green and brown eyes being bullied, harrassed and ridiculed by his eyes.

Ash didn't bother watching the rest of the episode. He was in denial. No one would do those things. After all, it was just a TV show. The realm of fiction...Right? He tried to convince himself this and decides to go to outside, but not too far.

Just around the town for a short walk. He never really talked or had any interactions with anyone else in town besides his family , Gary , and Professor Oak, though, with Gary, it wasn't really a lot to warrant attention to Ash's eyes surprisingly.

Speaking of the devil, Gary Oak sees Ash and his eyes. He was with other kids and Gary started laughing in a taunting tone. "Hey guys, look at Ash's stupid eyes!"

The other kids started laughing too. Calling him names like "Odd eyed freak" and "Mismatch". It continued like that for years, not just his eyes, but his spikey hair, even though Gary had spikey hair, his lighting bolt marks on his cheeks, and his autism.

What was the straw that broke the Camerupt's (Get it?) back though, was when Delia was becoming abusive for not just his powers and autism, but his looks too. Not even Trip knows about the abuse and his eyes. He always covered it up, literally.
(End of Flashback)

Ash was softly crying and Pikachu, Eevee, and Vulpix were nuzzling and wiping away Ash's tears. Ash hugs his pokemon lovingly, thanking Arceus that he still has his pokemon, Professor Oak and Trip. He wondered what happened to Serena, but Brock called Ash for lunch.

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