Cleffa,an Egg and the Moon Stone

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Ash , Brock and Misty make their way to Mt. Moon, Misty gushing about how romantic it sounds while Ash is reading a book about evolutionary stones, on the chapter on the Moon Stone, suddenly, his egg starts moving and it hatches into a shiny female Eevee. Ash holds his new Eevee as it nuzzles him.

[Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this special Pokémon conceals many different possible evolutions. This Eevee is level 1 and knows the moves Helping Hand, Tackle, Tail Whip and Double Kick*Egg Move*]

"Aww, it's so cute!" Misty squealed.
Eevee looks up at Ash cutely.
"Ee!"<Are you my Papa?> The little Eevee asks in it's pokemon tongue, Ash nodding, hugging his new friend.
"Hey Ash? You wanna trade that Eevee for my Staryu or Starmie?" Misty asks.

"No way. I just hatched Eevee. She was a gift from Professor Oak." Ash said.
"She?" Misty asked.
"You can tell by the pattern on the top of their tail. From above, female Eevee's tails kinda look like a flower" Brock explains.

Suddenly, a cry for help is heard and they encounter a man in a lab coat. Ash had Pikachu use Thunderbolt on the Zubat and he catches one of them, seeing Brock sneak a catch while Misty and the Zubat's victim didn't see him.

"Thank you thank you thank you! They said man's best friend is a pokemon. With you, it's true!" The man exclaimed, continuing saying poetry and happily saving "I'm alive! I'm aliiive!" Ash nods when he asks if he mentioned if he was grateful. He introduced himself as Seymour.

The group finds the cave covered in lights, seeing the pokemon are confused. Paras planted their mushrooms everywhere and a shiny Sandshrew being dehydrated, Ash sharing his canteen with the Sandshrew, Sandshrew being grateful, joins Ash's team. Ash transfers Zubat , Rattata and Spearow and retrieved Weedle.

"The poor things. Who would do this?" Ash said to himself, petting his new friend.

Ash sees a shiny Cleffa holding a Moon Stone and a normal colored Clefairy with the little Cleffa. Ash greets them with a kind smile and suddenly, Team Rocket ambushes them, Ash has Caterpie and Weedle tie them in String Shot, which causes them to evolve into Metapod and Kakuna.

[Metapod, the Cocoon Pokemon and the evolved form of Caterpie. Inside the shell, it is soft and weak as it prepares to evolve. It stays motionless in the shell. This Metapod is now level 9 and knows the moves Tackle, Harden, String Shot , Electroweb and Bug Bite.]

[Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokemon and the evolved form of Weedle. Able to move only slightly. When endangered, it may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy. This Kakuna is level 9 and knows the moves Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite and Electroweb.]

Brock brings out his Zubat to help with Ekans, who had escaped String Shot. They had Team Rocket blasting off, however, Meowth snuck off, chasing the Cleffa and Clefairy, Pikachu following them and attacks them, making Meowth blast off.

A while later, around sundown, Ash is feeding his pokemon his own pokemon food.
Brock has his own homemade pokemon food he made and his feeding his new Zubat with it.
Seymour impressed with Brock's recipe, he then tries Ash's, which is just as good. Misty tries them as well, but..well, the pokemon like pokemon food more.

Ash had found a sad Igglybuff nearby and spoke to it.

He learned that Igglybuff was taken in by a trainer from the "soon to be" Kaz Gym in a place called Dark City. and learned Bounce, Hyper Voice, and Heal Bell, but she wasn't a strong battler and her trainer abandoned her.

Ash was sympathetic, so he decided to let Igglybuff join and scanned her.

[Igglybuff, the Balloon Pokemon.
It's always practicing its singing because it wants to improve. Even when it's asleep, it keeps singing in its dreams! This Igglybuff is level 17 and knows the moves Copycat, Charm, Sing, Sweet Kiss, Pound, Defense Curl, Bounce, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Wish*Egg Move*, Perish Song*Egg Move*, Heal Pulse*Egg Move*, and Present*Egg Move*]

((I may get lazy with some minor tweaks in past chapters, so sorry))

Brock tries to have Ash's pokemon try his food, but they turn away, only wanted to have Ash's receipe.
"Sorry Brock. They prefer my food." Ash apologizes, Brock tries it and is very impressed.

"I can see why Ash. This is high quality. Did you make it?"
Ash blushes in modesty and says "I like pokemon a lot, so I try to make good pokemon food for them."
Brock smiles amd replies "Well, it's excellent. Did you add Oran Berries to this batch?"
Ash nods and says "They're really tasty and they help with pokemon's health and stamina. I thought it would be a good idea."
Seymour agrees, the little Cleffa tries Ash's food and she loves it, eating a lot more, Ash smiles kindly.

The Cleffa and Clefairy takes them to another cave and shows them a huge boulder.
"Wow..Is that a giant Moon Stone?"
Ash breathed, the Cleffa nodded and placed the Moon Stone fragment around the ring surrounding the Moon Stone Boulder.

Many Clefairy and Cleffa come out and dances around the Moon Stones.
They learn that they're praying to the Moon Stone.
Team Rocket ambushes them yet again.
This is getting old real fast.
Ash thinks to himself.

"Pikachu, get them!"
Ash shouts, Brock letting out his Onix to help, but they got the Moon Stones thanks to Koffing's Smokescreen distracting everyone.

"Onix, go underground to find Team Rocket!" Ash said, Brock was shocked, Onix as well but nods and obeys.
The others went the other way and Seymour , the Clefairy and the Cleffa goes down the hole that Onix made.
The gang gets to Team Rocket and so fo the Cleffa and Clefairy.

"What's wit all of this?!" Meowth questions. The Cleffa and Clefairy starts to use Meteronome, Seymour, Brock, Misty and Team Rocket following the fingers.
Ash knows full well on the move and how random it is.

"Pikachu, use Protect!"
Pikachu obeys, a force field goes over Pikachu, Eevee and Ash.
Suddenly, some of the Cleffa and Clefairy use Explosion, thanks to Metronome while other other Hyper Beam.
Team Rocket blasts off again.

Suddenly, the Moon Stone falls everywhere, making some Clefairy evolve into Clefable.

Seymour them says "I'm gonna stay with the Clefairy, Cleffa and Clefable. It's been my dream to find the Moon Stone Boulder. One day, I'll travel tp the stars with them." They group smiles and Brock says "Be sure to send us a postcard."

The shiny Cleffa nuzzles against Ash's leg.
Ash looks confused. "What's wrong Cleffa?" He asks and Seymour laughs.
"I think the little one wants to go with you Ash."
Ash looks at Cleffa.
"What do you say Cleffa? Wanna come with us?"
Cleffa nods and Ash catches Cleffa.

[Cleffa, the Star Shape Pokemon.Its silhouette is like a star. It is believed to arrive riding on shooting stars. This Cleffa is level 12 and knows the moves Metronome, Copycat, Disarming Voice, Sweet Kiss and Wish*Egg Move*]

In the morning, they arrive to a sign that reads "Cerulean City" with an arrow pointing to the road along with something scribbled at the bottom.
"Gary was here. Ash is a loser."
Ash feels bad and walks off in the dirt of Cerulean City.
Will he prove Gary wrong? What will happen next.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Six

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