Here Comes the Squirtle Squad

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes make their way on the road, when suddenly, Brock and Misty fell into another trap hole, Ash was just tying his shoes when that happened.

"Another hole visit guys?" Ash asked in a jokingly manner. "Haha, very funny, NOW GET US OUT!" Misty shrieks, a group of five Squirtle appeared, all of them wearing sunglasses, but one of them had sharper shades. Ash immediately recognized that particular Squirtle. It was Damian's previous Squirtle. He knew because Ash gave that Squirtle those shades when Squirtle and Damian left.

"Squirtle! It's been a while, hasn't it?" The Squirtle immediately recognized Ash and runs to him, the two hug. <Ash! I missed you so much!> The other Squirtle were puzzled. Why was their leader being so friendly with a human? Squirtle explains the two's past with each other, the other four nods in understanding, becoming friendly with Ash and his pokemon.

Ash gets Bulbasaur and Bellsprout to help Misty and Brock out of the hole. Ash whispers about his aura's side effect of making all of his pokemon shiny to the Squirtle Squad, Squirtle was relieved he didn't become an abusive shiny hunter. Officer Jenny came to them, trying to get the Squirtle.

"Get back here! You need to pay for your crimes!" Ash steps in. "Ma'am, I'm Ash and I know the leader of the Squirtle Squad here. You see, I know him due to me working with Professor Oak and seeing him being obtained by a teenager named Damian." He explains and Jenny looked shocked.

"You mean your Junior Professor Ash? The one who got that abusive trainer named Damian who abandoned a Charmander arrested? My sister told me about you!" Ash nods and says "In fact, it was Damian that abandoned that Squirtle. I would know, I gave him those exact pair of sunglasses."

The officer nods in understanding. Ash asks to give the Squirtle Squad a chance to turn over a new leaf. Officer Jenny was hesitant, but agrees to the terms, but if they steal or vandalize anything, they'll have to go. Ash nods and pets the Squirtle leader.

Brock finishes lunch and Ash finishes making his pokemon's food and extra for the Squirtle Squad. The five Squirtle enjoys Ash's food very much. Team Rocket were spying on the gang.
"Look at all of those pokemon." Jesse whispered. James then said "And look at all of that food!" Meowth scratches the two and whispers "Quiet." They two set up a trap, however, they made a very bad mistake.

It caused a spark that caused a large forest fire and it spooks everyone. Ash thought of a plan. He brought back all of his pokemon, except his Psyduck, Seel and Staryu. "Squirtle, Psyduck, Seel, Staryu, put out as much of the fire as possible! Pikachu, help them with Rain Dance!" Ash ordered. The group obeys immediately, thanks to Rain Dance from Pikachu, it was a lot easier putting out all of the fire, Misty also had her Shellders, Staryu and Starmie to help.

It didn't take long for the large fire to go out. Officer Jenny found them doing all of that. Ash finds Team Rocket and finds out they're the ones responsible for the fire and he has Pikachu blast them off with Thunderbolt.

After a while, the Squirtle Squad , Ash and the gang were rewarded as heroes. After a while, the Squirtle leader finds Ash in the pokemon center getting his other pokemon that were having checked up on and wants to travel with him. Ash was happy to oblige.

He scans the pokemon.

The Eevees were all level 30 and knows Helping Hand, Copycat, Covet, Tackle, Bite, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Dig, and Double Kick*Egg Move*.

[Machop, The Superpower Pokemon. Very powerful in spite of its small size. Its mastery of many types of martial arts makes it very tough. This Machop is level 27 and knows the moves Low Sweep, Revenge, Focus Energy, Vital Throw, Mega Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Counter*Egg Move*, Bullet Punch*Egg Move*, and Submission*Egg Move*]

[Poliwag, the Tadpole Pokemon. Its newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand. Both of these Poliwag are level 29 and both knows the moves Water Gun, Double Slap, Hypnosis, Bubble Beam, Low Kick, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Mind Reader*Egg Move*,Water Pulse*Egg Move*, and Ice Ball*Egg Move*]

[Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokemon. A dopey Pokémon that remains in a daze except when fishing with its tail. Awake or asleep, there is little difference. Both of these Slowpoke are level 34 and both knows the moves Water Gun, Water Pulse, Confusion, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Surf, and Safeguard.]

[Doduo, the Twin Bird Pokemon. Its short wings make flying difficult. Instead, this Pokémon runs at high speed on developed legs. This Doduo is level 29 and knows the moves Fury Attack, Quick Attack, Double Team, Agility, Drill Peck, Double Hit, Aerial Ace,Assurance *Egg Move*, and Brave Bird*Egg Move*]

[Lickitung, the Licking Pokemon. Its tongue spans almost 7 feet and moves more freely than its forelegs. Its licks can cause paralysis. This Lickitung is level 37 and knows the moves Lick, Wrap, Stomp, Slam, Headbutt, Double Team, Brutal Swing, Zen Headbutt, Stomping Tantrum, Body Slam*Egg Move*, Magnitude *Egg Move*, and Hammer Arm*Egg Move*]

[Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokemon. It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. This Squirtle is level 28 and knows the moves Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Withdraw, Bite, Water Pulse, Shell Smash, Aqua Tail, Protect, Water Spout*Egg Move*, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Mirror Coat*Egg Move*, and Aqua Ring*Egg Move*]

Ash had always wondered why a large majority of his pokemon had egg moves. Maybe some cross breeding in the wild happened? It's entirely possible.

Professor Oak always tries to have high quality starter pokemon with good moves, some even with good egg moves. Ash himself picked out the egg moves for this Squirtle.

Little did Ash know however, a mysterious pokemon was watching him. What will happen? How will this pokemon change many things for Ash? We'll find out soon.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twelve

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