Lavender Tower and Power

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive at Lavender Town and goes in the pokemon center. Ash overhears a small group of people talking about some trouble in Lavender Tower.

Ash approaches them and asks "Excuse me, but what seems to be the problem in Lavender Tower?" Brock and Misty come over since they heard the same thing. The female trainer, a girl with brown hair and dark grey eyes explains "Well, these thugs that calls themselves Team Rocket is not letting anyone in Lavender Tower. No one can pay their respects."

Ash was disgusted at this news and decided to do something about it.
The male, a blond haired man says "I'm more worried on Mr Fuji. The pokemon house isn't the same without him." Ash was curious. "Pokemon house?" They explain it's a place it's like a home for abused and abandoned pokemon and that Mr Fuji went to try to stop Team Rocket. They escort them to the place. Ash, Misty and Brock were in awe.

Ash notices a Vulpix trying to console a Cubone. The girl explains "That poor Cubone lost his mother thanks to those Team Rocket grunts. Mr. Fuji saved him." Ash was horrified and decides to go help the little pokemon, they tried to stop him, but it was fruitless. Ash goes to Cubone's eye level with a gentle smile and a soothing aura.

"Hi Cubone. My name is Ash. I hear you're worried about Mr. Fuji. Well, I'll help you." Cubone and Vulpix looked up at Ash with a "You really mean it?" look, to which Ash pets them and says "I mean it completely."

A Gastly, Haunter and Gengar appear, cheering up a lot of the gloomy pokemon by making funny faces and doing silly dances. Ash knows that they were the infamous prankster ghost pokemon of Lavender Town. The two caretakers explain that those three are wild pokemon and they try to put a smile on everyone's face when things get too gloomy.

Ash asks Haunter to help him cheer up Sabrina in Saffron City after he's done with his battle, to which Haunter agrees completely, but first, Ash is going to get Mr Fuji back and run Team Rocket out of town. Ash and the gang goes to Lavender Tower, Vulpix and Cubone along with Ash.

They head in and are challenged by many grunts, but luckily, thanks to Pikachu, Eevee, Misty's Starme and Brock's Geodude and Rhyhorn, they power through the grunts with no sweat. Ash finds them drop something labeled a Silph Scope, he decides to borrow this, since he read about them identifying unknown ghosts.

He thought it would prove useful, and it did. They find an unknown ghost, so Ash uses the scope and sees it's a deceased Marowak. Putting two and two together , he realized it was the Cubone's mother. Cubone rushes to the Marowak's spirit and they hug.

Team Rocket is still very ambitious, though the gang wonders why Jessie, James and Meowth weren't here, but they shrug it off, the ghost Marowak helping the gang chase out the grunts and Ash has Pikachu and Sandslash help Mr Fuji out of his ropes.

"Thank you all."Mr Fuji said with a smile. They all head to the Pokemon House and Mr Fuji gives them some hot cocoa and cookies as a small token of gratitude. Ash feeds Vulpix and Cubone, an Oddish came along and seems to look worried.

<Help! Some people with white shirts with a big R and a Meowth are coming!>

The pokemon looked worried, Ash heads outside and of course, Team Rocket's own Jessie, James and Meowth are there with a large contraption with arms and a large tank.

"Prepare for-"

Jessie gets interrupted by Ash ordering the pokemon to attack, Pikachu with Thunderbolt, Eevee with Trump Card, even Cubone with Bonemerang, Vulpix with Flamethrower and Oddish with Seed Bomb helped, "TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN" They shout as they blast into the sky. "That was quick." Mr Fuji commented, Ash replies "I train my pokemon often and they're pretty high leveled."

Mr Fuji nods and offers Ash to have Oddish, Vulpix and Cubone, the three little pokemon nods happily and nuzzles Ash's leg, hoping they'll accept the offer, Ash thinks about it and nods happily. After Ash obtains them, he scans the three.

Oddish's level is 23, her ability was Chlorophyll and moves were Seed Bomb, Sweet Scent, Giga Drain, Acid, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder,Poison Powder, Sunny Day, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Strength Sap*Egg Move, and Razor Leaf*Egg Move*]

[Vulpix, the Fox Pokemon. Inside Vulpix's body burns a flame that never goes out. During the daytime, when the temperatures rise, this Pokémon releases flames from its mouth to prevent its body from growing too hot. This Vulpix is level 49 with the Ability Flash Fire and knows the moves Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Safeguard, Inferno, Mystical Fire, Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Energy Ball, Howl*Egg Move* and Hypnosis *Egg Move*]

[Cubone, the Lonely Pokemon. If it is sad or lonely, the skull it wears shakes, and emits a plaintive and mournful sound. This Cubone is level 29 with the Ability Battle Armor and knows the moves Bonemerang, Bone Club, Headbutt, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Skull Bash*Egg Move*, Double Kick*Egg Move*, Iron Head*Egg Move*, and Ancient Power*Egg Move*]

Ash smiles at his new pokemon, but Mr Fuji was shocked that all of Ash's pokemon, even the ones he just got are shiny, as Vulpix, Cubone and Oddish weren't shiny before.

Ash gives the same explanation for the shiny pokemon he did with Misty and Brock about his biology. At least it wasn't a complete lie, as aura and their abilities are involved with the biology.

Mr. Fuji nods in understanding, as stranger things happened. So the gang, along with Haunter head off to Saffron City.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Nineteen

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