Pokemon Scent-Sation

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive in Celadon City and Misty demands that they'd go to the perfume shop. Ash replies "You guys can go without me. Multiple scents at once is just too much for me. But if others like it, that's fine, but perfume isn't thing."

Brock nods in understanding and Misty pouts, but let's it go and the two goes in the perfume shop, Brock saying "You can look around the town Ash, but be sure to go to the center before seven p.m."
Ash nods and sees them off. He heads to the Celadon Game Corner, it's like a large arcade in the inside, the posters saying with enough coins, you can get pokemon.

Ash was disgusted that people were getting pokemon from a casino. He had a theory somebody kidnapped or had the pokemon involved with illegal activities. He decided to sneak in. And his hunch was right. He saw abused and starved pokemon and he got them out and called the cops.

Luckily , they got here in time. Team Rocket's lesser members were involved with all of this and they were quickly arrested. A few of the pokemon had taken a liking to him, so they went with him.

A Voltorb, Smoochum, four Eevees, one male and three females, Scyther, Pinsir and three Tyrogue. He scans them.

The Eevees were at level 25 with the Ability Adaptability and the moves Tackle, Iron Tail, Swift, Shadow Ball, Dig, Hyper Voice,Double Team, and Double Kick*Egg Move*.

[Pinsir, the Stag Beetle Pokemon. When the temperature drops at night, it sleeps on treetops or among roots where it is well hidden. This Pinsir is level 40 with the Ability Hyper Cutter and knows the moves Vice Grip, Seismic Toss, Brick Break, X-Scissor, Submission, Swords Dance, Thrash, Revenge, Vital Throw, Double Hit, Storm Throw, Bug Bite*Egg Move*, Superpower*Egg Move*, Feint*Egg Move*, and Close Combat*Egg Move*]

[Scyther, the Mantis Pokemon. With ninja-like agility and speed, it can create the illusion that there is more than one. This Scyther is level 45 with the Ability Technician and knows the moves Quick Attack, Vacuum Wave, False Swipe, Wing Attack, Fury Cutter, Slash, Double Team, Razor Wind, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Air Slash, Agility, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Silver Wind*Egg Move*, and Bug Buzz*Egg Move*]

[Tyrogue, the Scuffle Pokemon. To brush up on its fighting skills, it will challenge anyone. It has a very strong competitive spirit. All of these Tyrogue are level 15 with the Ability Guts and all of their moves are Tackle, Fake Out, Helping Hand, Focus Energy, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Bullet Punch*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, Feint*Egg Move*, Hi Jump Kick*Egg Move*, Mach Punch*Egg Move*, Rapid Spin*Egg Move*,Mind Reader*Egg Move *, and Vacuum Wave*Egg Move*]

[Voltorb, the Ball Pokemon. Voltorb was first sighted at a company that manufactures Poké Balls. The link between that sighting and the fact that this Pokémon looks very similar to a Poké Ball remains a mystery. This Voltorb is level 47 with the Ability Soundproof and knows the moves Sonic Boom, Spark, Screech, Rollout, Swift, Electro Ball, Charge Beam, Explosion, Discharge, Gyro Ball, Thunderbolt, Mirror Coat, Signal Beam, and Shock Wave.]

[Ditto, the Transform Pokemon.It can freely recombine its own cellular structure to transform into other life-forms. This Ditto is level 35 with the Ability Limber and only knows the move Transform.]

[Smoochum, the Kiss Pokemon.It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes. This Smoochum is level 40 with the Ability Forewarn and knows the moves Sweet Kiss, Heart Stamp, Psychic, Avalanche, Water Pulse, Wake-Up-Slap*Egg Move*, and Ice Punch *Egg Move*]

He sends over the Eevees, Tyrogues, and Smoochum to Professor Oak, so he can help them trust all kinds of pokemon besides the ones Ash has with him currently. He then heads off to the Celadon Gym where she finds the referee stopping him.

"No one that doesn't want to go Erika's perfume shop isn't allowed!" She said angrily, but a woman in a kimono comes over. "Lila, it's okay. He's allowed in. It's the one with autism. And the one that saved those pokemon from that corrupted game corner." The news about the game corner spread fast and the girl was shocked and felt ashamed.

"My deepest apologies. I am Erika, the gym leader. Your friends, Misty and Brock told us a lot about you in our shop and that incident with the game corner was on live TV, you're obviously more than welcome here." She said with a kind smile. She continues to say herself and her brother are also on the autistic spectrum and she understands it rather well.

She started this gym and perfume shop to help herself and her brother with his sensitivity to smell and she even adapted to a lot of smells with that. She told him why Grass types were her favorite pokemon.

When she was little, she always loved flowers and had an Oddish, but a Grimer attacked Erika and Oddish evolved and the Gloom chased the Grimer away. Ash was relieved that Erika understood completely about his condition. Misty and Brock were there and apologized for not letting Ash know they were at the gym, Ash forgives then nicely.

"Shall we start our battle?"

Ash nods and sends out Charmeleon.
Erika sends out a Tangela, another Tangela, a shiny one, was watching the battle in awe.

Charmeleon wiped the floor with Tangela easily with Flamethrower.

Next, it was her Weepinbell against Ivysaur, they both exchanged Razor Leaf after Razor Leaf, but Ivysaur gets the upper hand and wraps it up with Petal Dance.

Now it was Exeggcute vs Wartorle.
Exeggcute went for many Bullet Seeds, but Wartorle freezes them all with Ice Beam and uses Rapid Spin to send them back at the egg pokemon and knocks out Exeggcute with Water Gun.

Finally, it was the last pokemon, but switched to Pikachu when she sends out Gloom.

She was puzzled, why Pikachu? He could've won easily with Charmeleon alone for the entire match with ease.

Pikachu uses Double Team and the copies used Volt Tackle, knocking out Gloom with ease. Erika was shocked that an Electric type can beat her Gloom. Ash really trained his pokemon very hard and very well.

But suddenly, the gym starts to become ablaze with flames, due to an accident with the perfume one of her students was experimenting on, but luckily, Ash has his water pokemon put out most of the fire and he teleports everyone else out of the building. Ash sees Team Rocket snickering while holding a jar of Erika's special ingredient for some of her perfumes, he goes to stop them, but Erika's sees the team and stops Ash, revealing it's Gloom nectar.

It's taste is very sweet, but the smell is rancid. Ash thought it would be funny to see the look on their faces when they take a whiff.

Erika gives Ash the Rainbow badge and the TM for Solarbeam and the TR for Energy Ball. The Tangela that was spectating the battle wishes to be with Ash , to which he and Erika accepted. He scans Tangela.

[Tangela, the Vine Pokemon.Tangela's vines snap off easily if they are grabbed. This happens without pain, allowing it to make a quick getaway. The lost vines are replaced by newly grown vines the very next day. This Tangela is level 28 with the Ability Leaf Guard and knows the moves Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Growth,Wake-Up-Slap*Egg Move*, Leaf Storm*Egg Move*, Nature Power*Egg Move*, and Giga Drain*Egg Move*]

Ash then sends off Tangela to the Professor. Now our heroes are off to Fuchsia City for the sixth gym badge and the Safari Zone.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twenty Four
(I changed the battle because I felt unsatisfied and wanted all of the Starter trio more involved, sorry))

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