Birds, Bugs and Samurai, Oh my

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Ash and Misty arrive in th middle of Viridian Forest and Ash takes out his basic pokemon, Ho-Oh in the middle of her duties and Misty let's out a shrill shriek, Ash is clearly uncomfortable with it, holding his head in pain from Misty's scream.

"Owww, Misty, why did you scream?" Ash asks.
"Get that away from me!" Misty exclaims, pointing at Caterpie, who was inching to Misty.
"Oh, Caterpie? Aww, he just wants to be your friend though." Ash says with a smile.
"Ash, put that nasty thing in it's pokeball! Bugs are one of the three most disgusting things in the world!" Misty demands in fear.

"Aside from that attitude of yours, what are the other two?" Ash asks in a retort. "Carrots, Peppers and Bugs! Everyone has something they don't like and I don't like bugs!" Misty shouts, making Ash flinch again.

"I like carrots, peppers and bugs. But I DON'T like is the way you're hurting Caterpie's feelings by calling it disgusting." Ash replied. Ash then took a deep breath and says, "Come on guys, let's go without her.", his pokemon following suit. "H-hey, what about the bugs?!" Misty called out, Ash ignoring her, frustrated that she insulted his pokemon.

Two hours later, he catches a Pidgey and a Farfetch'd, surprised the later was here, he deposits his Rattata and Spearow with the help of his pokedex and retrieved his new two bird pokemon.

[Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back. This Pidgey is level 15 and it's moves are Twister, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Air Slash*Egg Move*, Brave Bird*Egg Move*, and Hurricane*Egg Move]

Ash went to Farfetch'd's entry.

[Farfetch'd', the Wild Duck Pokemon.
The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon. It is used much like a metal sword. This Farfetch'd' is level 43 and has the moves Fury Cutter, Slash, Aerial Ace, Leaf Blade, Night Slash*Egg Move* and Sky Attack*Egg Move]

Ash learned that Farfetch'd was bred and trained by a famous breeder and had to run away since his trainer died and his cousin tried to kill him for literally dinner. He comforted his new friend, happy he has a strong member on the team, he then transferred over Farfetch'd to Professor Oak.

He later found a Weedle, but he sensed a human was near him, so he caught the little bug pokemon quickly, took his new Weedle's pokeball and goes off, but the trainer ambushes him.

"Don't you leave! I am Samurai! Are you from Pallet Town?!" The trainer said loudly, making Ash flinch, but nods. "Y-yeah, but can you not yell or talk that loud please?" Ash said, Samurai noticing that, and calms down and says in a normal tone "Sorry, but may we have a pokemon battle? I was defeated by three trainers from Pallet Town and they said the last one was the weakest." Ash nods and let's his Pichu out while he sends out a Pinsir.

That poor Pinsir. It looks a bit malnourished and low level. Pichu quickly ended it with Thunderbolt, Samurai let out a Metapod, which Pichu also defeated with this time Volt Tackle.
"Wow..You're really good. Maybe they were saying the opposite about you kid." Samurai commented, Ash later explained about his autism and even gave him some tips about pokemon care and how to better his Pinsir's technique and make it a bit more sturdy. Samurai was grateful.

"You know, I sometimes think I'm also autistic. I always loved warriors, samurais were obviously my favorite. I also love bug pokemon. One day, I want to be the best bug trainer and the best samurai. While I can stand most loud noises, some sights like fire scares me very much."
"I'm glad I know someone who understands me a little." Ash said with a smile.

"I never was diagnosed, but I do have an appointment for it and if I am..well, that's okay. You know why? Cause I met you. You're a terrific trainer and your pokemon trust you very much."

They both talked a bit more about pokemon and they head off to the main road to Pewter City.
"I'll do my best to learn more about autism so I can help others and even myself." Samurai said, bidding Ash a farewell.

Ash was happy he made another friend other then his pokemon and that Unovian boy who understands him.
He walks off, thinking about strategies on how to tackle the Pewter City gym. Will he be able to beat the gyms? Well, we'll find out.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Four

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