The Ninja Poke-Showdown

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes finally arrive in Fuchsia City for Ash sixth gym badge. Ash decides to do a bit of training and Venonat, Doduo, Oddish, and Gastly finally evolve into Venomoth, Dodrio, Gloom, and Haunter.

He scans all of them, seeing Gloom is level 39 and knows the moves
Moonblast, Venoshock, Sweet Scent, Mega Drain, Acid, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder,Poison Powder, Sunny Day, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Strength Sap*Egg Move, and Razor Leaf*Egg Move*

[Venomoth, the Poison Moth Pokemon and the evolved form of Venonat.The powdery scales on its wings are hard to remove from skin. They also contain poison that leaks out on contact. This Venomoth is level 55 with the new Ability Shield Dust and knows the moves Supersonic, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, Psybeam, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Leech Life, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Gust, Aerial Ace, Poison Fang, Zen Headbutt, Giga Drain*Egg Move*, and Bug Bite*Egg Move*]

[Haunter, the Gas Pokemon and the evolved form of Gastly. It can slip through any obstacle. It lurks inside walls to keep an eye on its foes. This Haunter is level 49 and knows the moves Shadow Punch, Mean Look, Lick, Hypnosis, Poison Gas, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch,Fire Punch,Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Sucker Punch, Hex, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Dream Eater, Curse, Payback, Night Shade, Clear Smog*Egg Move*, and Disable*Egg Move*]

[Dodrio, the Triple Bird Pokemon and the evolved form of Doduo.An odd species that is rarely found. The three heads respectively represent joy, sadness, and anger. This Dodrio is level 48 and knows the moves Tri Attack, Rage, Mirror Move, Jump Kick,
Fury Attack, Quick Attack, Swords Dance, Stomping Tantrum,Double Team, Agility, Drill Peck, Double Hit, Aerial Ace,Assurance *Egg Move*, and Brave Bird*Egg Move*]

Ash pets his pokemon and they head for the Fuchsia Gym, Misty still trying to get Brock or him to trade one of their pokemon for her Psyduck.
"Ash, how about Golduck for Psyduck? I know how much you love raising pokemon to evolve."

Ash looked at her and said "Yeah, but I don't trade the pokemon that want to stay with me, so no. Why not train Psyduck?" Misty still complaining, but Ash ignores her and goes in the gym, but throwing stars are thrown in his direction, he ducks and they hit Misty's bag.

She screams "My bag!"
A female with dark Green hair and a pink ninja outfit appears, her name is Aya.
"Who cares challenge the Fuchisa Gym?" She says and Brock immediately goes to her, head over heels, but Misty yanks him away by the ear. "I want to challenge Koga, the Poison Type Gym Leader." Ash said, Aya surprised. "You must get through me first boy! Venonat, come!" A

Venonat appears from the trees. Ash brings out Ivysaur and he swats the Venonat away with ease, thanks to Power Whip. Aya was in shock how a Grass pokemon had beaten a Bug and Poison pokemon so easily. The gym leader, Koga had seen the fight.
"So, this is the challenger?" He said, Aya looks ashamed. "Forgive me brother..I lost.."

Koga goes to Ash and says "You want a battle for the Soul Badge huh? Very well. Let's take this inside, three on three." They go in and he sends out Venonat, who evolves into Venomoth. Ash sends out Charmeleon, who swiftly ends it with Flamethrower.

Koga sends out a Muk, the evolved form of Grimer and Ash switches for Wartortle. Koga has Muk use Double Team, Ash has Wartortle use one of his new moves, Surf on all of the Muks.It was another K.O. victory for Ash and his pokemon.

Koga let's out a Weezing, Ash with Ivysaur, Weezing went for Smokescreen, but Ivysaur swiftly defeated him with Razor Leaf.

Koga brings out an Arbok and Ash Pidgeotto, Arbok using Wrap on the bird and Pidgeotto Pecks herself free and blew Arbok away with Hurricane, ending the round.

But Team Rocket breaks in and gets their newly evolved pokemon, their own Arbok and Weezing to attack the group. Misty's Psyduck got in the way in Arbok's bite, gaining a massive headache and it uses Confusion on it, Weezing and Team Rocket. Misty is puzzled.

"That's Confusion Misty! Psyduck's headaches can cause them to use powerful psychic powers!" Ash said, Psyduck hurling them to the sky, blasting them off again. Koga and Aya offer to trade one of their pokemon for Psyduck and Misty declined.

"Psyduck, I'm sorry I tried to get rid of you earlier.." Psyduck gives Misty a big smile and little laugh. "Alright Ash, it's time for the final round." Koga sends out Golbat and Ash sends out Pikachu, Golbat put up a tough fight with Aerial Ace and Double Team, but Pikachu persevere with Iron Tail, Double Team, and Thunder, ending the match.

"Ash, that was a great battle. You earned this." Koga pulls out a scroll, containing the Soul Badge, a TM for Venoshock and a TR for Toxic Spikes. Ash accepts them and a small Koffing comes out, it seeing the battle and seeing Ash worthy of being it's trainer, to which Koga and Ash accept. He scans Koffing.

[Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokemon.Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft. The gases not only smell, they are also explosive. This Koffing is level 40 with the Ability Levitate and knows the moves Smog, Poison Gas, Clear Smog, Smokescreen, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Stockpile*Egg Move*, Swallow*Egg Move*, Psybeam*Egg Move*, and Pain Split*Egg Move*]

Ash sends off Koffing, Venomoth, Ekans, Primeape, Farfetch'd, Fearow, and Magnemite to Professor Oak and they head off for the Safari Zone, after getting a call for Ash to do an errand of catching 29 Tauros for a project he's going to to, to which Ash accepts.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twenty Eight

((I changed the gym battle to give Ivysaur and Pidgeotto more glory, sowwy))

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