Showdown at Dark City

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive in a literally broken town known as Dark City. Ash remembered his Igglybuff was from here.

But they see many of the residents hiding, afraid of trainers due to chatter.

Ash was puzzled. Why are they scared of trainers? Is it about that Yas gym?
Some kids throws rocks at them, clearly not wanting them to be here since they work with pokemon. But a man stops the kids and offers the gang to the restaurant to explain everything about Dark City.

They go to a small restaurant with the man and the boys and they learn some important details.

"You see, the Yas gym and the Kaz gym want to be official gyms, and they're always picking fights just to see who will be the one on top. I even heard that the Pokemon League Inspector is coming to see if they're worthy of being gym leaders. Their fights have left the town trashed, not caring they could be hurting everyone."

Ash was utterly disgusted. How could those people try to be pokemon gym leaders if they treat everyone like that?
Some bodyguards from the Kaz gym barges in, looking like Jessie, James, and Meowth.
Ash and Brock has Pikachu , Eevee and Vulpix chase them out with Thunderbolt, Trump Card, and Flamethrower.

A worker for the Yas gym in invites them to the Yas gym. Misty said it's probably for the best to make up fake names, but Ash said if they try to have them work for them, they'll decline.

Besides, Ash knows that the Pokemon League Inspector is already in Dark City. So the gang goes to the Yas gym, along the way, an Elekid and a Magby were found abandoned by their trainer, the same one that abandoned Igglybuff. The two were actually looking for Igglybuff, but their trainer found them disloyal, so he abandoned them.

Ash decided to take them in so they can be with Igglybuff. He scans them.

[Elekid, the Static Pokemon. It rotates its arms to generate electricity, but it tires easily, so it charges up only a little bit. This Elekid is level 44 with the Ability Static and knows the moves Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Discharge, Low Kick,
Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Swift,
Light Screen, Electro Ball, Screech,
Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Focus Punch, Brick Break, Double Team, Rolling Kick*Egg Move*, Dynamic Punch*Egg Move*, Barrier*Egg Move*, and Cross Chop*Egg Move*]

[Magby, the Live Coal Pokemon.
Its body temperature is around 1,100 degrees F. It is healthy if it is breathing yellow flames. This Magby is level 44 with the Ability Flame Body and knows the moves Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Smog, Smokescreen, Clear Smog, Flame Burst, Sunny Day, Lava Plume, Thunder Punch, Focus Punch, Barrier*Egg Move*, Cross Chop*Egg Move *, Dynamic Punch*Egg Move*, Mega Punch*Egg Move*, and Flare Blitz *Egg Move*]

Ash notices Magby has a scar on his left eye that has the shape of a flame with one line and Elekid has a scar on his right eye that's shaped like a lightning bolt. They said their trainer branded them with those scars to put them in their place as their types for the sake of the Kaz gym.

But Ash said to not think of it like that, but trophies that they survived. The two pokemon hugged and nuzzled him lovingly.
Ash sends Elekid, Magby, and Igglybuff to Professor Oak. They meet Yas, the Yas gym leader and his Scyther while Ash's Pikachu is simply drinking ketchup from the bottle he got from the restaurant.

"I demand a battle to see if you're really that good." Yas says, Scyther attacks Pikachu, but he shields himself with a bottle of ketchup and the sauce gets in Scyther's eyes and goes to attack Yas, but the trainer quickly retrieves Scyther in his pokeball.

"This is the first time Scyther acted like this.." Yas said, Pikachu was a bit sad about the ketchup being destroyed and Ash said he'll get him another bottle when they're done, making the little pokemon feel a little better.

"I want you to work for me Ash." Yas said, Ash then asks "Why do you and the Kaz gym want to be official gyms anyway?" Yas then said about the large pay gym leaders can get and since pokemon battles can be a sign of power, it was a win-win.
Ash was even more disgusted.

"If that's your goal, you can think about cleaning up your attitude before you or this Kaz becomes a gym leader. Pokemon aren't tools for money. I won't help you." He said in a low tone and he walked off. But four of the trainers sends out a Mankey, Machoke, Hitmonchan, and Hitmonlee to surround Ash, but Ash teleports away. Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Eevee left as well.

The gang went back to the restaurant. Misty was curious on why the Scyther acted like that and Ash remembered something.
"Oh yeah! How could I forget?" The others look at him and he explains "Electabuzz and Scyther get angry when they see the color red. Pikachu shielded himself with the bottle of ketchup and it got in Scyther's face."

One of the boys said "Scyther is the strongest pokemon in the Yas gym and Electabuzz is the strongest in the Kaz gym."

Ash then hatches a plan.
He had the restaurant owner bring out many barrels of ketchup and righed the ground with lightning rods for Pikachu's electric attacks to be attracted to.

The Yas and Kaz gym trainers and leaders start to battle it out.
After a while, everyone sends off the ketchup. It got on everyone except Scyther and Electabuzz.
Scyther and Electabuzz then chased and attacks their trainers, due to the red ketchup on them.

The leaders beg for mercy, Ash thinks they had enough and he has Venasaur and Weepinbell use Vine Whip to dump the last of the ketchup on Electabuzz and Scyther. The two attack each other until they were knocked out. Kaz and Yas returns Scyther and Electabuzz back in their pokeballs.

"Have you two learned your lessons yet?" Ash called out. Kaz and Yas agree to join forces to take down Ash.
However, he had Pikachu use Thunder and Eevee use Trump Card on them.

Everyone gets down from the roof and the Pokemon League Inspector goes there, revealing to be Nurse Joy.

She declines Yas and Kaz to be gym leaders, but is willing to give them a second chance if they learn their lessons. Ash tells them the true meaning of being a trainer.

"Respect your opponents and your pokemon." Ash said. He also demands that they fix up Dark City, since their fights were what caused it all, to which they agree to.

The gang then heads off to the next area.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Thirty One

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