Tentacool and Tentacruel

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive at Porta Vista, Ash was training and a bit of sightseeing, he then sees a construction sight and is puzzled at the sight. He decides to use one of his psychic abilities to see where it was being built on.

He sees it's being built very close to a coral reef, basically side by side, cramping the area. They group finds two injured Horsea, they squirt their ink and makes a rather crude picture that vaguely shows a Tentacool and Tentacruel.

Oh boy, that's not good.
Ash thought to himself, explaining to he others that Horsea was trying to say that a Tentacool and Tentacruel were responsible for them being hurt. Then, they see an area of the water having an explosion of a boat. Ash and Misty get their water pokemon to help the people from the explosion.

The gang is taken to a very short and ugly, yet filthy rich woman named Nastina, who is building a resort at the area Ash found with the coral reef. "We would be able to finish it rather nicely...IF THOSE TENTACOOL WOULD STOP HARASSING US!" Nastina complained loudly, making Ash flinch.

"If I may ma'am? You're building the resort very close to he coral reef. My guess is that coral reef was the Tentacool's home." Ash explains gently, Misty agreeing, she loves water pokemon and seeing the pokemon's habitat being destroyed was unacceptable.

"Well, I am offering a very generous reward if you exterminate those nasty Tentacool! All you can eat delicious food, a million dollars and free visits to my resort with free room service until you croak!" Nastina offers as she shows a large banquette of delicious food, Brock was quite swayed, but Misty and Ash were disgusted by Nastina's behavior.

Ash remembered his future vision he saw. If ths continues, the port and everything around it would cease to exist, so Ash hatches a plan.

"Nastina, you've made your point on how annoyed you are. But, let me ask you something. Let's say some pokemon were making a battlefield or something out of your home. How would that make you feel?" Nastina replies with "Well, I would blow a fuse of course! I mean, you'd have to be a selfish jerk to do tha-"

She realizes her big mistake."...and I'm a big jerk for doing that to the pokemon.." Ash smiles and then says "I have an idea. I have an Abra that's been training himself with Teleport and his telekinetic abilities. How about we move he resort area somewhere else that isn't inhabited by pokemon and you'll be able to have your resort and the pokemon have here habitats." Nastina liked that idea.

"That's a good idea, but you see, the reason I placed the resort there is so everyone can see the coral reef." Ash continues with "I can have my pokemon ask the wild pokemon to help with that part. I'm thinking of a tunnel people can walk around with clear walls and ceilings so they can see the entire ocean. You can even make occasional games with that for some of he kids, like finding certain items or pokemon."

Nastina nods and says "And they get to see the coral and I get my resort! Brilliant idea kid! How did you think of that?" Ash smiles and says "I read a lot and in Unova, they have something like that called he Marine Tube." Nastina nods and says "I feel bad for what I was gonna do. You helped me realize that kid."

It took a while, but Ash's Squirtle, Seel and Starmie were able to convince the wild pokemon of this idea, even the Tentacool.

Thanks to Abra practicing his powers, he was able to move the construction site somewhere people can watch the reef safely. Starmie and secretly Mew helped restore the coral reef to it's natural state. The larger than normal Tentacruel leader has made peace with Nastina and became her new pokemon. After all, it never hurts to have bodyguards.

The Tentacruel explained some people with brightly colored hair and a talking Meowth tried to stop them with a strange substance, which caused Tentacruel's evolution and huge size change. The gang knew it was Team Rocket yet again.

Speaking of which, Team Rocket appears with a large robot, trying to capture all of the pokemon. Ash had Seel, Geodude, the Nidoran couple and Pikachu stop Team Rocket, which made all of them, except Pikachu to evolve. Ash scans his new pokemon.

[Nidorina, the Poison Pin Pokemon and the evolved form of Nidoran♀️.The female has a gentle temperament. It emits ultrasonic cries that have the power to befuddle foes. This Nidorina is level 39 and knows the moves Crunch, Shadow Claw, Double Kick, Fury Swipes, Super Fang, Helping Hand, Toxic, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Poison Tail*Egg Move* and Skull Bash*Egg Move]

[Nidorino, the Poison Pin Pokemon and the evolved form of Nidoran♂️.It is easily agitated and uses its horn for offense as soon as it notices an attacker. This Nidorino is level 39 and knows the moves Toxic, Venoshock,
Peck, Double Kick, Helping Hand, Fury Swipes, Poison Jab, Horn Drill, Drill Run, Head Smash*Egg Move*, Poison Tail*Egg Move* and Sucker Punch*Egg Move*]

[Graveler , the Rock Pokemon and the evolved form of Geodude.Graveler make their homes on sheer cliff faces by gouging out numerous horizontal holes. This Geodude is level 49 and knows the moves Double-Edge, Seismic Toss, Smack Down , Rock Blast,Rollout, Magnitude, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Focus Punch*Egg Move*,Mega Punch*Egg Move*, Hammer Arm*Egg Move*, and Rock Climb*Egg Move*]

[Dewgong, the Sea Lion Pokemon and the evolved form of Seel.It loves frigid seas with ice floes. It uses its long tail to change swimming direction quickly. This Dewgong is level 42 an knows the moves Waterfall, Aurora Beam, Sheer Cold, Aqua Tail,
Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Headbutt, Iron Tail, Ice Beam, Drill Run ,Horn Drill*Egg Move, Icicle Spear*Egg Move*,Signal Beam*Egg Move*, and Water Pulse*Egg Move.]

Even the Tentacool and Tentacruel helped. It didn't take long for Team Rocket to be blasting off yet again.
Everyone in Porta Vista helped with the resort and some other repairs. As promised for helping Nastina, she gives out the rewards to Ash, since all of this was his idea.

The Horsea twins were so grateful, one wants to go with Misty and the other with Ash, even one of the Tentacool wants to be with Ash. He obtains them and scans them.

[Tentacool, the Jellyfish Pokemon. It drifts through the sea searching for prey. Its poisonous tentacles break off sometimes, but after a while, they grow back. This Tentacool is level 37 with the ability Liquid Ooze and knows the moves Supersonic, Wrap, Acid Spray, Bubble Beam, Surf, Barrier, Poison Jab, Water Pulse, Sludge Wave, Aurora Beam*Egg Move*, Mirror Coat*Egg Move*, and Muddy Water*Egg Move*]

[Horsea, the Dragon Pokemon. If it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray water or a special type of ink from its mouth. This Horsea is level 37 with the Ability Sniper and knows the moves Bubble Beam, Water Gun, Agility, Dragon Pulse, Twister, Water Pulse, Outrage, Signal Beam, Aurora Beam*Egg Move*, Dragon Breath*Egg Move*, Razor Wind*Egg Move*, Muddy Water*Egg Move*, and Octazooka*Egg Move*]

Ash's Horsea explains that she had a large family that taught her all sorts of moves like Signal Beam and Outrage to help with her weakness against most grass pokemon and dragon types when she becomes fully evolved. As for his Tentacool, he was the second in command for the group of Tentacool. The gang have a night of fun and they start head off to Maiden's Peak in the morning, we'll see what happens as the journey continues.

End of Chapter Sixteen

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