Honorary Char & the Raging Ape

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes are on the route that is getting close to Celadon, but they decided to stop for a snack.
Ash was feeding his pokemon some his berry filled onigiri.

Misty tries one and says "Wow, this is actually good Ash." Brock also tries one and is also impressed. "Onigiri usually have savory fillings, but the Pecha and Oran berries are a nice surprise." He said with a smile.

A ding is heard and Ash pulls out a device that pops into an oven (Think of Capsules in DBZ) and there's something inside, Ash pulls out some unfrosted/unfilled fried pastries, something like donuts. Misty had sparkles in her eyes. "Ooh! Donuts!"

Ash looks at Misty and says "They're Malasadas and they're for my pokemon. Humans can eat them, but I promised my friends I'd make them today." Ash pulls out a bag of powdered sugar , some piping bags and some ingredients to make jelly.

"Can I try one when you're done please?" Ash was hesitant. Misty saw this and finally realized she was wrong. "Ash, I'm sorry for putting you through so much..And blaming you about my bike.."

Ash sees that Misty wasn't lying and after he was done, after handing one malasada to Pikachu and Eevee, he hands one to Brock and Misty. Misty smiled and eats one happily."Mmm! This is so good!" Misty said, Brock agreeing. "Yeah Ash, when did you become a good cook?" Ash blushed modestly and said "I like to read and watch that show, Cooking with Kangaskhan. That's how I know a lot of recipes."

Brock remembers something. "Malasadas are really popular in Alola, right?" Ash nods and continues "I love learning about different regions and their pokemon, that's how I came across malasadas. When I was five, a famous chef from Alola came to Pallet Town and gave put free samples. That's how I tasted a malasada for the first time. They can be plain or basically be like a jelly donut."

Brock smiled and says."Well, nothing beats a jelly filled donut."
Mankey eats quite a few onigiri and malasadas. Ash pets Mankey and Charmander and they see a trainer with a Charmeleon walking to them.

"Excuse, is that Charmander yours?" The trainer asked. Ash nods, clearly curious. "My name is Nico and this here is my Charmeleon, Flame." The trainer introduced. The gang continues the introductions, Flame then glares at Charmander.

<What?> Charmander asked, then the Charmeleon said <You look like a dumb Charmander.> Ash had a look of anger, but he hid it quickly. Charmander wasn't exactly forgiving as Flame had started laughing.

Nico then asked "How about a battle between Charmeleon and Charmander? If you want, why not a double battle?" Nico throws out another pokeball, containing another Charmeleon, this time a girl. "This is Flare. She's just as strong as Flame."

Ash nods and Mankey went up with Charmander, wanting to battle, not letting his friend be pushed around like that. Ash nods and they get ready to battle. Just then, Flare and Flame began evolving.

They became large Charizards. Charmander gulped, but Mankey was confident, giving Charmander a thumbs up, helping Charmander to calm down.

The battle begins with Flare goes to Charmander with a Flame Charge and Flame does the same, but with Mankey as the target.
They dodge greatly and they start to evolve. Mankey became Primeape and Charmander became Charmeleon. Ash scans them.

[Primeape, the Pig Monkey Pokemon and the evolved form of Mankey.The blood vessels in its brain are sturdier than those of other Pokémon, so it can stay healthy despite its constant raging. This Primeape is level 48 and knows the moves Karate Chop, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Rage, Low Kick, Seismic Toss, Thrash, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Outrage, Cross Chop, Close Combat, Assurance, Rock Tomb, Night Slash*Egg Move *, Focus Punch*Egg Move*, Revenge*Egg Move *, and Counter*Egg Move*]

[Charmeleon, the Flame Pokemon and the evolved form of Charmander. If it becomes agitated during battle, it spouts intense flames, incinerating its surroundings. This Charmeleon is level 39 and knows the moves Fire Blast,Slash, Fire Punch,Thunder Punch, Shadow Claw, Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Metal Claw*Egg Move*, and Dragon Rush*Egg Move*]

The Charizard duo still looks confident, but Primeape got angry and Ash told it to use Rage, to which it obeys, using Rage on Flare, Ash has Charmeleon use Dragon Claw on Flame. The kept at the battle until the Charizards were down.

The two pokemon were panting, glad they got the anger out of there systems. Nico congratulates Ash and his pokemon for the battle. He hands Ash some money , a Light Ball ,a Dragon Scale and a Metal Coat, saying it'll be useful. Ash accepted the items and he helps out Flare and Flame with their wounds. The gang heads off for Celadon, wondering what adventures will happen next,
as the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twenty Three

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