Electric Shock Showdown

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

After two weeks of being lost, they finally have reached Vermillion City.
"I can't wait to have a bubble bath!" Misty said, Brock said "I gotta hit the laundromat."

Ash then says "Hang on guys! We need to go to the pokemon center first!" Misty was confused, but she saw Pikachu and Eevee were very exhausted and hungry.

"Ohh. Heheh, yeah.." Misty said, clearly embarrassed. So they head off to the pokemon center to heal up and get some breakfast.

Nurse Joy helps out the gang's pokemon and Pikachu and Eevee start eating some fruit. Ash took the time to look at his pokemon's abilities since he forgot to do that before.

[Pikachu's ability is Static. The Pokemon is charged with static electricity, so contact with it may cause paralysis.]

[Bulbasaur's ability is Overgrow.Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokemon's stamina is low.]

[Charmander's ability is Blaze. Powers up Fire-Type moves when the Pokemon's stamina is low.]

[Squirtle's ability is Torrent. Powers up Water-Type moves when the Pokemon's stamina is low.]

[Butterfree's Ability is Compound Eyes. The Pokemon's accuracy is boosted.]

[Beedrill's Ability is Swarm. Powers up Bug-Type moves when the Pokemon's stamina is low.]

[Pidgeotto's ability is Keen Eye. It prevents the Pokemon's accuracy to be lowered.]

[All four of the Eevee's ability is Adaptability. Powers up moves of the same type of the Pokemon.]

Ash was interrupted by seeing a Chansey rushing an injured Rattata being rushed to the ER.
"This is the fifteenth one this month." Nurse Joy sighed in annoyance.
Ash was confused, he noticed burn marks cause by electricity. He remembers the gym leader here is an Electric type user.

"Was that from the gym leader here?" He asked, the nurse nods and she takes them to a large room with injured pokemon. "They all lost to Lt. Surge. And today is Double Battle week, so more business for us." The nurse explained.

Ash ponders this, then he asks "Do you have any videos on his battles?" The nurse nods and shows him videos approved of trainers watching, he knows that watching videos before a match is legal, but some battles aren't for the eyes of the public. However, he noticed something that all of the battles have in common, including the Double Battles.

The pokemon only had attacking moves, and most were by TM and TR. None of them were from the previous evolution of the pokemon. He uses a Jolteon and Raichu. They only have moves that deal damage instead of ones involving speed, defense or any other type of strategy. Just brute force. While in some cases it works, but another part of the big wins were by dumb luck.

Ash nods and knows what to do. Lt. Surge clearly underestimates pokemon that aren't fully evolved or a species that have good stats to begin with. They head off to the gym and they see Gary there.

"Well well, it's been a while Ashy boy." Ash sighed in annoyance. "Hey Gary. Are you here to challenge Surge?" Gary chuckles and says "Of course. With my new Nidoking and Arcanine, how can I lose?" Ash was puzzled. "Didn't you lose to the Viridian gym with those pokemon?" Gary went pale. Ash continued with "The Professor told me." Gary looked embarrassed and shouts "That's besides the point! " The group goes in the gym.They find Lt. Surge is huge and intimidating.

When he sees Ash as one of the gym challengers, he laughs at him and his Pikachu and Eevee, showing off his Raichu and Jolteon, scolding Ash for not evolving Pikachu and Eevee. "Now then, I'll go first. I have a better chance than you Ashy Boy!" Gary said.

They go to the battlefield, Gary bringing out his Nidoking and Arcanine, Jolteon and Raichu gulped nervously at Nidoking, especially since it's part ground type.

However, Raichu and Jolteon both know Dig, so they both used it on Nidoking, while he was part ground, he's also part poison. And due to the teaming up, Nidoking was left unable to battle and they made quick work of Arcanine with Thunderbolt. Gary was stunned. He actually lost against someone that was weak against Nidoking?

"Alright baby, you're next." Surge said with a smirk, Jolteon and Raichu looking confident when Pikachu and Eevee entered the field. "Okay, start with Double Battle combo 47DDT!" The two pokemon use Double Team and Dig. Jolteon and Raichu were stunned , so they use Thunderbolt all over the arena, but the duo were gone. Surge's pokemon ran out of electricity and started to look for Pikachu and Eevee, then they were hit by multiple copies with Dig. That knocked the two electric pokemon out. Gary and Lt. Surge were left stunned.

"Unbelievable!" Lt. Surge exclaimed. Pikachu and Eevee smirk triumphantly. Lt. Surge started laughing. "Wow kid, you really are something! I really underestimated you and your pokemon big time. You earned this." Lt. Surge hands him the Thunder Badge, along with a TM and TR. "The TM is Thunder Punch and the TR is Thunderbolt."

Gary scowled and left for the pokemon center. Ash hugs his Pikachu and Eevee. "Great job guys!" He said, the gang heads to the pokemon center and they bump into Gary.

"How could a simple Pikachu and Eevee beat their evolutions that are owned by Surge?!" He questioned to himself. Ash decided to call Trip and show off his new badge. "That's awesome Ash! Five more to go for you." Trip congratulated, Ash blushed modestly, they talked for a while until Trip had to leave. He took out his Poliwags and fed them.

Gary went and yelled at Ash about he shouldn't be a trainer and that he shouldn't even be on the planet, bad idea. The Poliwags started to evolve into Poliwhirl and protects Ash from him by Ice Ball and Water Gun. He hugged his new Poliwhirls and scans them.

[Poliwhirl, the Tadpole Pokemon and the evolved form of Poliwag.Capable of living on land, but prefers to stay in water. If it is out of water, it sweats to keep its skin moist. These Poliwhirl are both level 42 and know the moves Water Gun, Double Slap, Body Slam, Hypnosis, Bubble Beam, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Low Kick, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Mind Reader*Egg Move*,Water Pulse*Egg Move*, and Ice Ball*Egg Move* and the one on the left has the ability Damp and the one on the right has the ability Swift Swim]

Ash pets the Poliwhirls and feeds them some pokemon treats. Ash would've been in trouble if it weren't for the security system in the area he was in. Gary was no longer welcome in the Vermillion City pokemon center.

Ash started to train the rest of his pokemon and one of Misty's shiny Shellder bit on one of Ash's Slowpoke and it caused Slowpoke to evolve into Slowbro.

Some more training helped Machop evolve into Machoke and Oddish into Gloom and they find a random Water Stone, to which Staryu wished to evolve, which did happen. He scanned his new pokemon.

[Slowbro, the Hermit Crab Pokemon and an evolved form of Slowpoke.Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the Shellder on its tail bites down. This Slowbro is level 44 and knows the moves Water Gun, Water Pulse, Psychic, Yawn, Stomp,Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Mega Punch, Ice Punch, Surf, Heal Pulse, Dream Eater, Rain Dance , and Safeguard.]

[Machoke, the Superpower Pokemon and the evolved form of Machop.Machoke's boundless power is very dangerous, so it wears a belt that suppresses its energy. This Machoke is level 40 and knows the
moves Bulk Up, Dual Chop, Rock Slide, Low Sweep, Revenge, Focus Energy, Vital Throw, Mega Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Counter*Egg Move*, Bullet Punch*Egg Move*, and Submission*Egg Move*]

[Gloom, the Weed Pokemon and the evolved form of Oddish. It secretes a sticky, drool-like honey. Although sweet, it smells too repulsive to get very close. This Gloom is level 39 and knows the moves Moonblast, Venoshock, Sweet Scent, Mega Drain, Acid, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder,Poison Powder, Sunny Day, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Strength Sap*Egg Move, and Razor Leaf*Egg Move*]

[Starmie, the Mysterious Pokemon and the evolved form of Staryu.Regardless of the environment it lives in, its body grows to form a symmetrical geometric shape. This Starmie is level 48 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Rapid Spin, Swift, Bubble Beam, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack, Ice Beam, Psychic, Signal Beam, and Water Pulse]

He hugs his newly evolved pokemon and they continue to train, and have a great time. What will happen next?
We'll find out.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Fourteen

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