Battle Aboard the S.S. Anne

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes are out sightseeing at the Vermillion City harbor and they see a raffle stand.
"Attention everyone! Our raffle to win the last three tickets are still here for the marvelous S.S. Anne!"

The Vermillion City Nurse Joy said at the stand, Ash thinks it's gonna be really crowded, but Misty insists on trying and Brock agrees, mainly to talk to the pink haired nurse. Ash thinks about it and agrees. Maybe this will be a great experience and maybe it'll help with his social anxiety.
After all, he has his pokemon.

The gang goes over and Brock immediately flirts with Nurse Joy, which Misty replied with her pulling Brock's ear to get him to stop. "Um, m-may we try the raffle ma'am?" Ash asked, the nurse smiled and says "Of course. You three pull out a pokeball and if your lucky, a ticket may be inside." They try and they win the raffle!

"Yesyesyesyes!" Misty said repeatedly, saying that her sisters would be jealous about this.
They board on the S.S. Anne, Team Rocket spying on them while sneaking on. The group flashes their tickets and are allowed on.

They see it's like a pokemon convention, which made Ash more interested. Misty and Brock split up.

Ash goes around the stands and gets some evolution stones and other good items due to getting really lucky in some of the raffles and deals.
He let's out Growlithe and Exeggcute. He asks if they want to evolve, to each they say yes and they became Arcanine and Exeggutor. Ash scans his newly evolved pokemon.

[Exeggutor, the Coconut Pokemon and the evolved form of Exeggcute. Legend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an Exeggcute. This Exeggutor is level 59 and knows the moves Barrage, Hypnosis, Psychic, Stun Spore, Toxic, Psybeam, Leech Seed, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Egg Bomb, Stomp, Wood Hammer, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Ancient Power, Synthesis*Egg Move*, and Leaf Storm*Egg Move*]

[Arcanine, the Legendary Pokemon and the evolved form of Growlithe.The fire burning inside its body serves as the energy to fuel it as it runs great distances. It appears in many legends. This Arcanine is level 62 and knows the moves Crunch, Helping Hand,Howl, Flame Wheel, Extreme Speed, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Iron Tail, Flare Blitz, Agility, Double Team, Play Rough, Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave, Double Edge*Egg Move* and Double Kick*Egg Move*]

Some of the people around were looking in awe of Ash's pokemon, as Ash was petting his new Arcanine gently, he walked off, but was challenged by a man in a suit and a Raticate and Cloyster.

"Hey there boy. How about a double battle?" Ash nods and makes quick work of Raticate and Cloyster, thanks to Pikachu's Volt Tackle and Butterfree's Bug Buzz. The man was left stunned by the boy's pokemon and their power, he offered to trade his Raticate and Cloyster for Ash's Pikachu and Butterfree, but Ash obviously declined, explaining how they were his first pokemon, starter and caught. The man seemed a bit down, but understood completely.

Suddenly, multiple Team Rocket grunts ambushes everyone,trying to steal people's pokemon. So Ash slips away and let's out Mewtwo and explains what's happening, Mewtwo goes there and everyone is in shock, especially the Team Rocket grunts.

The other trainers gets their pokemon to fight back, which is successful. After a while, they head to the next town, having the next Officer Jenny get the Team Rocket members, however, most have escaped.

The police couldn't find Mewtwo, since Ash quickly hid him and got him in his pokeball just in time. Everyone on the S.S. Anne were interviewed about what happened.

Now everyone had to go the town and the gang head off to Porta Vista, because of the event with Team Rocket made some damages to the S.S. Anne.

"I can't believe all of this happened.." Misty said sadly, Ash tries to cheer her up with "Well, at least we weren't shipwrecked." Misty sighed again and agreed.

They wonder what will happen next and how they'll get to Saffron City. What will happen? Will they find new obstacles at Porta Vista? We'll find out soon enough.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Fifthteen

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