Mystery at the Lighthouse

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes are walking along in the forest at sunset, Ash stretches and says "I'm gonna go to the beach nearby." They nod and Brock says "Be careful." Ash nods and heads off.
Misty was puzzled.

"I don't get it Brock. After all of this, he still doesn't trust us completely, even after we've all been through. He'll rarely even eat with us. At least he's somewhat civil with us. And yet, he trusts his pokemon as if they're family!" Brock tries to calm down Misty.

"Maybe something happened that doesn't really make him trust most people. Remember Gary and Damian?" Misty couldn't lie, that was a good point. "I guess, but after all of this, he still doesn't trust us completely?" Brock smiled gently. "Remember, Ash has autism. While his is pretty mild, he still has those quirks and symptoms." Misty sighs. "Fine."

Meanwhile with Ash, he sees two cat like pokemon floating and fighting. Ash interjects with "Hey, why are you two fighting?!" The larger explains about him feeling betrayed and useless because an organization cloned him with the DNA of the pokemon that he was fighting. Mew, Ash was actually seeing Mew!

The larger of the two pokemon was called Mewtwo and they see due to their fight, they injured a Krabby. Ash explained his abusive past and about his powers, understanding a bit what Mewtwo was going through, which surprisingly comforted the large psychic pokemon.

The two psychic pokemon started to like Ash a lot. Very much that the two became new members of Ash's team, along with the Krabby he helped. Ash was able to convince Mewtwo to let Professor Oak interview him and to update the pokedex with his entry, Ash had Mewtwo hold a note explaining the situation.

He then sends Mewtwo's pokeball to Professor Oak thanks to the pokedex. Speaking of which, he'll check out the dex entries of Krabby and Mew.

[Krabby, the River Crab Pokemon. Its pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes break off during battle, but they grow back fast. This Krabby is level 32 and knows the moves Metal Claw, Protect, Mud Shot, Bubble Beam, Razor Shell, Slash*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, and Ancient Power*Egg Move*]

[Mew, the New Species Pokemon. So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide. This Mew is level 85 and knows the moves Transform, Metronome, Ancient Power, Mega Punch, Phantom Force, Mystical Fire, Aura Sphere, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Surf, Psychic, Stored Power, Zen Headbutt, Cosmic Power, Future Sight, Dazzling Gleam, Psyshock, and Psychic Fangs]

Ash was impressed by Mew's movepool. Then again, it IS Mew, it is to be expected. He returned Mew and Krabby when he sensed Brock and Misty's auras coming.

"Ash, there you are!" Misty called.
"You were gone for like thirty minutes. What were you even doing?!" Brock facepalms himself and said "It's only been twenty five minutes. Sorry Ash, I tried to stop her."

Ash nods and said "That's okay. We got a new teammate." Ash didn't let Misty and Brock know about Ho-Oh, and he wasn't going to with Mew and Mewtwo as well. He wanted to be strong enough to protect them before he let's the world know about them. Ash let's out his new shiny Krabby.

"Aww, you got a Krabby?! I want to find one!" Misty said, searching around the beach frantically. Ash sees a large lighthouse and recognizes it. It was the home of Bill, Professor Oak's friend.

Ash met Bill a few months before he went on his journey. He decided to go there, Brock and Misty tailing him.
Ash buzzes the doorbell. "Yes?" A voice called out. "Bill, it's me, Ash." Ash replied. "Oh Ash! It's been a while. Come in!" The door opens and the gang goes inside and they see what seems to be a a human sized Kabuto.

Ash was puzzled, but he remembered Bill likes to dress up as pokemon, but he sometimes gets stuck in his costumes. Ash helps out Bill and the Kabuto suit comes off. "Ahh, thank you Ash." Bill sighed in relief. Ash nods and asks "May I use your phone please?" Bill nods.

Ash asks Misty and Brock for the phone call to he private. Misty finds this as an opportunity to find and catch her own Krabby and the two leave.

Ash calls Professor Oak, who he sees is still very shocked. "Ash, I can't believe it! I thought the rumors of this pokemon were just rumors! Thank you for letting me make a new entry of Mewtwo!" Ash nods and asks "Can I have Mewtwo back?" Professor Oak nods and sends over Mewtwo.

"I think you should have a heads up Ash, but Gary's suspension has been canceled due to his "Good Behavior"." Ash looked a little worried. "But don't worry, I made sure to have someone supervise Gary's behavior." Ash sighs and asks "How did you come across the rumors on Mewtwo?"

Oak went a but pale and explains that Gary gotten a little too cocky and challenged the Viridian City gym. Since he has a team with a lot of fully evolved pokemon, Gary thought he could beat him and get his third badge and see the shocked look on the gym leader's face.

Ash already knew about Mewtwo's past with the Viridian City gym leader. Ash had never met said leader, but he knows a lot about him...after all, he's Ash's father.

He hadn't heard from Giovanni since he was only two. He left to continue his journey and he was successful enough to be the Viridian Gym leader, however, he made sure to stay incognito from the people he knows, however, before Delia became abusive, she would often write to Giovanni about Ash, she stopped when she wrote her last letter, letting him know about Ash's autism, leaving out the powers because she was too shocked to put it into words.

Ash often asked himself if his father ever liked him, even a little. He hangs up on the call after bidding Oak goodbye. He looked out of the window and decides to scan Mewtwo.

[Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokemon.It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments. This Mewtwo is level 89 and knows the moves Psychic, Laser Focus, Aura Sphere, Swift, Ancient Power, Psycho Cut, Recover, Psystrike, Future Sight, Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Hyper Beam, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Shadow Ball, Psyshock, Tri Attack, Stored Power, Protect, Reflect, and Light Screen]

Ash was impressed by Mewtwo's moves, then again, he does have some of Mew's DNA. Ash looks out the window and sees a large silhouette, Bill was seeing it in awe. It looked like a very big Dragonite.

Ash was also admiring the large pokemon, who had started to sing. Misty and Brock came back, due to Misty unable to find a Krabby, so they relaxed at the Dragonite's song.
Suddenly, Team Rocket tried to attack them and tried to capture the Dragonite, however, Ash got Pikachu, Eevee and Pidgeotto to help Dragonite defend it self. After a while, Team Rocket blasted off again.

The Dragonite came closer to Ash and handed him an egg with a kind smile. <My time on this Earth is most likely almost over, due to people like them..I want you to have my child so he can be protected.> Dragonite explains, Ash was hesitant, but agreed none the less. "Thank you Dragonite." Ash said.
Bill went to Dragonite. "Dragonite, would you like to stay here? I would be happy if you did. You're always welcome here regardless of your decision." Bill offered, the Dragonite nods and Bill catches Dragonite.

Bill looked at Ash with a big smile. "Thank you so much Ash. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have befriended Dragonite." Ash nods and says "It's my pleasure. The egg hatches into a shiny Dratini.

(I know the canon Ash doesn't get Dragonite until Galar, but this is an alternate canon and I decided for both the Dragonite that Bill just got and Ash's to have a bit of a more different backstory. Why? Because it's my story/fanfic and I can basically do whatever I please in it.)

Ash scans Dratini.

[Dratini, the Dragon Pokemon.Long considered a mythical Pokémon until recently, when a small colony was found living underwater. This Dratini is level 1 and knows the moves Wrap, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Extreme Speed*Egg Move*, Dragon Dance*Egg Move*, Dragon Breath*Egg Move*, and Dragon Rush*Egg Move*]

Misty got jealous, but brushed it off slightly when she saw the little Dratini nuzzle Ash. In the morning, they bid Bill and Dragonite goodbye and head off to Vermillion. What will become of Ash? Will he learn more about his father someday? What will happen if he encounters Gary again? We'll find out.

As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Thirteen

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