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Felix was first woke up the next morning which was unusual because usually, Jisung would always wake up before him but then he checked his almost dead phone and realized that it was only 3am and he could sleep for 2 more hours but he couldn't. That's what he gets for passing out so early

He had no idea what to do for the next two hours of his life, he was extremely comfortable exactly how he was but he wasn't  going to be able to lay there for two hours with nothing to do

He remembered the promise rings that he bought yesterday and that he forgot to even give one to Jisung, he wasn't really sure what the promise ring was for at this point

To Jisung it was an 'engagement ring' but to Felix it was more like a promise to Jisung that he will do his best to do whatever it takes to eventually have a relationship with Jisung that he would not let his mom ruin

He suddenly heard a voice that he loved so much pull him out of his thoughts

"Lix are you awake?" He heard Jisung asked quietly

"Yeah, I woke up a few minutes ago"Felix responded as Jisung hugged him tighter once he heard his voice

"We have a while before school starts" Jisung sighed as he checked the time on his phone quickly before going back to hugging Felix

"Yeah I know, I also forgot to give you your promise ring yesterday" Felix said as he played with one of Jisung's hands

"Oh yeah, how did we both forget about our engagement rings?" Jisung asked causing Felix to laugh lightly

"Do you want me to go get them?" Felix asked as he leaned his head up to look at Jisung

"Yes, but at the same time I'm extremely comfortable and if you get up I'm going to be cold" Jisung said looking back at Felix

"What am I supposed to do then?" Felix asked and Jisung sighed

"5 more minutes, then we can go get them" Jisung said as Felix nodded

"Lix, have you ever dated someone?" Jisung asked as Felix tensed from hearing the question. He couldn't tell him about Changbin(yet), he already went along with being straight since he met Jisung up until about two days ago

"Yeah, but it turned out we only liked each other as friends" Felix said realizing that all he had to do was leave out the part that this person was a guy and also someone he was still friends with. Of course he was planning on telling Jisung eventually but not right now

"Are you still friends with them?" Jisung asked and Felix thought for a few seconds before he answered


"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Have you ever been in a relationship Sungie?" Felix asked, changing the subject

"No, but I would love to be in one with you" Jisung said as Felix laughed at him

"Can we go get the promise rings now?"Felix asked while getting off of Jisung and up from the couch and holding a hand out to help Jisung up

"I'm so cold" Jisung wined as he took Felix's hand and started following him upstairs

When they first got to Felix's room Felix grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Jisung so he would stop complaining about being cold

Felix then went to his desk and picked up a small box then sat next to Jisung on his bed and opened it, it had two silver rings in it and Jisung and Felix both picked one up

"Leaving the 'engagement' behind, I promise that I will always be there for you. Anytime you need someone to cuddle with I will be at your doorstep or anytime you need me at all for anything I'll be here as quickly as possible" Jisung said as he put the ring onto Felix's finger and they both smiled at each other once they made eye contact again

"I promise that I will try my best for you" Felix explained quickly, not truly wanting to go into details but still wanting Jisung to know that if anything ever did go wrong that he was really trying. Felix said a put the ring he was holding onto Jisung's ring finger

"What do you mean you'll try your best?" Jisung tilted his head slightly as he asked the question

"I'll try to be the best boyfriend I can possibly be if and when we start dating" Felix said, he wanted to tell Jisung everything but he didn't want him to have the same reaction as Chan and Changbin and be treated like a kid and asked if he is okay every two seconds like they did for two weeks straight until Felix snapped and got them to stop. He got that they cared but they were being too much

"Why is there an 'if' in that question?" Jisung asked

"When we start dating" Felix corrected himself

"That's better" Jisung smiled at him When suddenly leaned in and kissed Felix's cheek

"Did your heart freak out as much as my heart did when I kissed you on the cheek?" Felix asked while blushing

"I don't know" Jisung said as he grabbed Felix's hand and put it over where his own heart was "you tell me"

Felix just nodded in response, Jisung's heart was beating faster than usual just like his did when he kissed Jisung on the cheek

Jisung then wrapped his arms and blanket around Felix who hugged him back as Jisung made them fall back onto the bed while still hugging

"We still have a while before school, let's just stay like this for a while" Jisung said and Felix said a small okay

Felix wanted to stay exactly how he was right now with Jisung for the rest of his life, but it wasn't that simple

I promise next chapter will be texts.
Jisung hasn't ranted to everyone In a while

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