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-Long pointless chapter-

"Felix wake up! We actually have school today" Jisung said as Felix rubbed his eyes and sat up

"Good morning" Felix mumbled

"Morning" Jisung replied as he kissed the tip of Felix's nose

"I'm going to go take a shower" Felix said as he stood up from the bed and got clothes out of one of his drawers

"I'm gonna go eat some of the cheesecake that you made" Jisung said as he also got up

"Okie" Felix said and they both went their own ways

~ time skip ~

once they both took turns taking showers and getting ready they grabbed their backpacks and started walking to school

They talked to their friends for a while until they had to go to class

A few minutes after first period started Felix got called to the principles office over the speakers and he was confused for a moment before he remembered that Hyunae went to the principal after she found Felix and Paul on Friday

"Bye Sungie" Felix said as he quietly got up from his desk to leave

"Text me after" Jisung replied and Felix nodded before leaving the classroom

Jisung spent the rest of the class time taking notes so Felix wouldn't be confused from missing a day and at the same time glanced at his phone every two seconds waiting to see a text from Felix

Eventually, the bell rang so Jisung grabbed his bag then quickly walked to the principles office to see if Felix was going to be aloud to leave to go to his next class

As soon as Jisung got there he saw the door open to an angry-looking Paul and a smiling Felix, he could pretty much already take a guess as to what happened

Felix looked up to see Jisung and walked over to him

"Did he get expelled?" Jisung asked and Felix nodded

"Yes, and I also have a pass to skip the rest of my classes for today" Felix explained as he showed Jisung a piece of paper

"That's not fair" Jisung responded with a pout "Are you going home? You should make another cheesecake"

"You should skip and come with me"

"Chan's going to kill me...oh well, let's go" Jisung said as he grabbed Felix's (tiny) hand and they walked off the school campus together

"Where should we go?" Felix asked as they were walking around aimlessly

"On a date" Jisung replied

"Okay but where?"

"I don't know, we can just walk around" Jisung responded and Felix just nodded in agreement as they continued walking while talking about random things

"Let's go there" Felix said as he suddenly pulled Jisung's hand to stop as he pointed at a pet store

"If we walk in there I'm scared that we are going to walk out with an animal" Jisung said as he looked at Felix "We live by ourselves so there is no one that can tell us no and that's terrifying. We could go in there and buy ten hamsters and no one would tell us that we can't"

"We won't buy anything okay? Let's just go look" Felix said as he started pulling Jisung by his hand into the pet store and started walking around

The animals at the front of the store were just fish and reptiles so they didn't have much a temptation to want to bye them although they did still stop to look at them

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