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"Hi" Minho said to Felix as Felix said hi back, scared to look up at Chan

"Felix I'm not mad but why did you not tell me?" Chan asked

"I didn't want her to go to jail, and I feel like a horrible person for telling the doctor who did this but...she kind of deserves it" Felix explained, mumbling the last part but everyone still heard him and looked at him confused and shocked

"You told the doctor?!?" Chan asked and Felix nodded

"What did she do to make you change your mind so quickly?" Jisung asked with concerned eyes

"I don't want to talk about it right now"

"Felix you can't just keep things from people all over again, not telling anyone isn't going to help anything" Chan responded

"Channie calm down. He probably just needs some time" Minho said as he hugged Chan

"Everyone else is here in the visiting room" Chan said as he checked his phone

"Lix how many people are allowed to visit you at the same time? This room is bigger than the room you were in last time" Jisung asked

"I don't know. No one told me"

"I guess that means that everyone can come in" Minho shrugged

"No" Chan said, knowing that having all eight of them in a hospital room together wasn't the smartest idea "Can you go ask someone Minho?" He asked and got a nod in response as Minho walked out of the room

"Is that why you've seemed sad lately? Because you were visiting your mom?" Chan asked

"For the most part yes" Felix responded and Chan just nodded

The door opened again and Changbin, Hyunjin, and Seungmin all walked in and all said hi

"Where is Jeongin?" Felix asked

"He was too scared to come in" Seungmin explained

"Aww, it's not that bad though" Felix pouted

"Lix, he cried last time you were in the hospital. I love you and you are beautiful but your condition is worse than last time" Jisung explained with a pout

"What the heck even happened?" Changbin asked and they realized that they haven't explained anything yet so Jisung and Felix caught everyone up

"Why would you do that?" Changbin asked, "Everything was going well wasn't it?"

"Yeah but I'm stupid. You've been friends with me for long enough to know this about me"

"You're dad hasn't come to visit you yet? Does he know that you are here because of your mom?" Hyunjin questioned

"No, but he can probably take a guess and I doubt that he is going to visit. I'm supposed to get discharged soon anyways apparently" Felix answered

"You are?!" They all asked and Felix just nodded

"There's nothing they can really do for a headache and stress besides give me medicine and tell me to sleep"He explained

They all talked for a little while longer until the doctor came back in and gave Felix medication, gave him a date to come back for a check-up, looked at Jisung and told him to take care of Felix, then told him he could leave

They were surprised that they let Felix leave so quickly but nonetheless they were happy that he didn't have to stay for that long

Jisung helped Felix walk into the waiting room where their other friends were, where Jeoungin immediately ran up to Felix and hugged him but quickly moved away

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you" Jeongin explained

"I'ts okay" Felix replied with a soft smile "Can we go to your house Sungie? I'm still really tired"

"Yeah, of course we can"

"Text us later please" Changbin said and they both nodded

everyone said bye to each other then Jisung and Felix walked back to Jisung's car

They listened to music quietly until they got to Jisung's house

Jisung walked around to Felix's side then carefully picked him up

"Sungie! I can walk"

"I know, and I don't care" Jisung responded with a smile as he continued to carry Felix inside of his house then up to his room

"Your mom isn't home?" Felix asked as Jisung laid him on the bed then laid down next to him

"She is still at work"

"I'm tired"

"Then go to sleep Lix"

"But I want cuddles" Felix pouted

"You are covered in bruises, as much as I would love to i'm not going to do that right now. We can cuddle when you get better" Jisung explained as he gave Felix a quick kiss

"But I don't care. I'm used to it anyways" Felix said as he hugged Jisung and Jisung hesitantly hugged back "It hurts a bit but I feel safer" Felix explained as he closed his eyes

"You still aren't mad at her for hurting you are you?" Jisung asked

"I am mad at her but that's not why. I'm used to her hurting me if it was just that then I wouldn't care" Felix explained as he opened his eyes again to look at Jisung

"What did she do?"

"She didn't do anything. She said stuff" Felix explained

"About you?" Jisung asked softly

"No...about you. That's why it was unforgivable this time"

"What did she... say?"

"Goodnight Sungie" Felix said as he kissed Jisung's nose before closing his eyes again

"Goodnight. I love you"

"I love you too" Felix replied before they both drifted off to sleep

Sorry it's short again

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