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Jisung woke up before Felix did and grabbed his phone carefully, trying not to wake Felix up

He didn't know what to do at this point, he didn't know how to make Felix see the problem that he never thought existed and still doesn't

Even if Felix did realize it Jisung wouldn't be able to trust him again, not for a while. If Felix's mom was still free to walk around and do whatever she wants then Jisung would still be worried about Felix

Jisung wanted to ask for help be he didn't want to tell Chan and Changbin about it without asking Felix first.... so he went to the internet

At first he thought it was completely useless and stupid when the first thing he read was to get them out of denial, that was obvious but how was he supposed to do so?

After further research, he ended up getting annoyed when everything was saying that you can't make someone come out of denial. He realized that it was something Felix needed to realize himself but he couldn't just sit and watch Felix keep getting hurt until he realized that it wasn't okay because what if he never did?

He eventually gave up on the internet. It did say some useful things but other than that it was telling him not to do anything which he wasn't going to do so he put his phone down and turned to look back at Felix who was surprisingly already awake

"How long have you been awake?" Jisung asked

"I woke up a few minutes ago" Felix responded

"I was wondering...." Jisung trailed off and Felix looked at him confused


"Can I come with you one day so I can meet your mom?"

"No" Felix replied simply then looked at Jisung like he was insane

"Why not? If there's nothing wrong with anything that she's doing then why can't I meet my boyfriend's mom?"

"She would hurt you" Felix mumbled as he hugged Jisung "I don't want you to ever go anywhere near her"

"How do you think I feel? Why is it okay for her to hurt you but not me?" Jisung asked and Felix stayed silent

"Lix are you visiting her because you want to or because she wants you too? Think about it before you answer"

"I wanted to visit her" Felix said softly

"Do you still want to?"

"I don't know, you're confusing me"

"Okay... remember how happy we were a few weeks ago? We can go back to being like that. You don't have to continue seeing her, no one is making you" Jisung

"But I broke your trust, it can't just go back to how it was. I screwed up too bad for that anyways"

"To be honest you are right. I don't completely trust you right now but you obviously don't completely trust me either since you didn't tell me about any of this. We can fix that though" Jisung said with a small reassuring smile

"I'm sorry that I broke your trust" Felix said almost inaudibly but just loud enough for Jisung to hear

"I-it's okay, it's not too late to fix it. I love you" Jisung said as he kissed Felix all over his face

"I love you too" Felix said with a small smile

"I think you should tell Chan and Changbin the truth. They are really worried"

"Chan is going to tell my dad. He will call the cops" Felix said with a pout "I don't want that"

Jisung pouted as well, there wasn't a good way to fix this situation. Every way involved Felix getting hurt one way or another. If his mom got sent to jail he would blame himself. If Jisung could somehow get him to see that he is in denial it was going to take a mental toll on him and Jisung wasn't even sure that he could. If he waited to let Felix continue seeing her he could either never think that what she is doing is wrong or it could go too far again which he definitely didn't want to happen

Not only was the situation too much for Felix to handle, but it was also still too much for even the both of them together. As much as Jisung wanted to help Felix, he wasn't a therapist and he couldn't play the role of one. Felix needed help beyond Jisung

"You want to live with it for the rest of your life?"

"You wouldn't let me anyways. I know you aren't going to let me see her again. I don't want her to go to jail though, can we make a deal?" Felix asked and Jisung got nervous, he didn't want to agree to something that could end up hurting Felix even more

"What is it?" he asked as he made eye contact with Felix

"Let me see her one more time so that I can say bye. After that I promise I will delete her number. I don't want her to go to jail, please?" Felix asked, eyes glistening with hope

"I'm sorry but I really don't trust you enough to to agree to something like that" Jisung said quietly

"You can watch me delete it, please just let me say bye this time" Felix begged

"...you have to let me drive you there and we have to tell Chan and Changbin afterwords" Jisung said, already regretting his choice

"Deal, thank you Sungie" Felix said with a smile

' If anything happens I'll be outside, it cant end that bad...right?' Jisung wondered to himself

Random question, do you want me to do another Q and A before the story ends?

I'm sorry if it's a mess. I'm trying to make it somewhat realistic but at the same time I feel like I have no idea what I'm writing half of the time

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