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Jisung went to school the next day and was walking around trying to find Felix when he finally saw him standing with a group of people which he guessed were the people that Minho was warning him about

Jisung didn't know what Minho meant exactly but he definitely didn't want Felix to stay friends with those people long enough to figure it out

One of the guys seemed to notice Jisung approaching them and he wrapped his arm around Felix's waist to pull him closer to him

Jisung stayed calm despite wanting to punch the guy in the face, he noticed Felix remove the guys arm from his waist and Jisung let out a breath of relief

He walked up to them and grabbed Felix's hand

"I'm gonna borrow my boyfriend for a minute, I may bring him back or I might not. Okay bye" Jisung said as he pulled Felix away and brought him to an empty hallway so that they could talk

"What?" Felix asked as they stopped and he pulled his hand away from Jisung's

"I get that you're mad at me and Chan but please don't ignore everyone else because of it too. They all miss you and the people you are hanging out with right now are not good people"

"I'm pretty sure that you don't know them"

"I don't, but Minho does"

"Good for him, but I think they are cool and I'm not going to stop hanging out with them just because you want me too " Felix said and Jisung sighed as he tried to reach for Felix's hand again but Felix pulled his hand away

"Fine, be mad but please don't hang out with them. I'm not even sure what he meant by calling them bad people but I don't want to see you get hurt again" Jisung begged,trying to make eye contact but Felix wouldn't take his eyes off the floor

"Then don't" he mumbled but Jisung still heard it

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Then don't see me get hurt. No one is forcing you to stay with me Jisung, if you don't want to take the chance of seeing me get hurt again then let's just break up so you won't have too" Felix said as he walked away without saying anything else

Jisung stayed standing there watching Felix walk away, he could believe that Felix actually just said those words but they kept replaying in Jisung's head as he felt a tear fall down his cheek

"Lix" Jisung called out but Felix was already too far away too hear him

Through everything that they had been through together he couldn't believe that Felix just broke up with him so quickly and so easily as if it was nothing

"He didn't mean it" Jisung whispered to himself as he shook his head "he's gonna come back in two seconds and kiss me and tell me that he loves me and that he was joking" Jisung said to himself and he stood in the hallways and waited for it to happen

But it didn't

The bell rang and Jisung slowly walked to his first class

He sat next to Felix in his first hour class so once the teacher gave them their assignment Jisung turned towards Felix

"You were joking right?" He asked as Felix looked towards him but still seemed to be avoiding eye contact

"No Jisung " he said quietly

"O-oh okay" Jisung said as his voice broke a bit then he raised his hand to ask if he could go to the restroom

The teacher said yes so Jisung picked up his bag and instead of just going to the bathroom he left school

He couldn't deal with being next to Felix for the next hour of his life, his heart stung and he felt the need to go home and cry. He wanted cuddles but the only person that he wanted cuddles from was Felix and he knew that there was no chance of that happening at the moment

So once he got home he hugged the stuffed animal that Felix got him for Valentine's Day instead as he cried into it

By lunchtime his phone was being blown up by his friends asking where he was and if he talked to Felix

Help Me

Jisung where are you?

Did you talk to Felix?

Are you sure he came to school?

Yeah I saw him this morning
And he told me he was looking for

Are you alive?

I don't feel like I am

Wdym? Where are you?!

I'm at home

Did you talk to Felix?


Why are you at home???

What happened?

Lix broke up with me


Are you okay?!?

No. It hurts

Why would he do that? He loves
You so so much

Apparently not

I'm crying

Jisung it's because of the people he's
Hanging out with, Felix loves you

I always said that I loved him more,
This proves that I was right, doesn't it?

Stop saying stuff like that

You guys will get back together soon,
Felix will realize how much he misses and loves you

I miss him.Why do I still want to
Give him all a bunch of kisses when
He just made me feel like he ripped my heart out?
That doesn't seem fair

I'm gonna talk to Felix

Don't kill him

I won't...yet, but it depends

Do NOT kill him

I'm gonna fix my second favorite ship somehow

Please do


Class is about to start
Again, I'm going to text Felix
After school

We gtg

OOPS, you might temporarily hate both me and Felix

It's 3am lol  so here's a double update because I hate sleeping

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