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"Why do you have a black eye?"

"Huh?" Felix asked but then he realized that the rain probably washed the make up off and froze,he swore he felt his heart stop. He hated this situation

"What happened?" Jisung asked in a worried tone as he held Felix's cheek and tried to examine his eye

"I uhh" Felix stopped for a moment trying to think of something to say, avoiding eye contact at all costs " I kneed myself in the eye?" He finally said but it came out more like a question which made Felix actually want to knee himself in the eye

"Lix, I know your not that dumb. Tell me who did it so I can go beat them up" Jisung said, his concern suddenly turning into anger

"No one Sungie, it's not that big of a deal anyways so let's just not talk about it"Felix said as he removed Jisung's hand from his face and held it in his own

"What do you mean it's not a big deal?!?! You have a freaking black eye"

"It's nothing you should be worried about though I swear I'm fine"

"Do you not trust me?" Jisung asked as he laid back into his seat, letting go of Felix's hand

"I do trust you-"

"Then why don't you tell me anything?"


"You can't just tell me that you having a black eye isn't a big deal and that you're fine, that's not fine Felix. It's not okay for someone to do that to you"

"...you know how I said my mom wouldn't let me dye my hair?" Felix asked quietly


"Well my parents came home two days early so I didn't get to dye my hair back and my mom kinda, did this" Felix explained pointing at his eye

"You're mom?!?! And because your hair was red?!"

"Yeah but it's fine, she's not mad anymore"

"That doesn't change the fact that she punched you"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, I told you what happened. It's fine now so can we just go back to having our date"

"I'm sorry if I forced you to tell me but you can't act like something like that isn't a big deal" Jisung said as he grabbed Felix's hand again "you're mom doesn't regularly do anything like this right?" Jisung asked, pretty much ignoring that Felix wanted to change the subject but he wanted to make sure that Felix was okay

"No" Felix said really wanting to end the conversation. And he wasn't completely lying, it only happened if he did something to make his mom mad like wear a cute outfit with 'too many colors for a boy to be wearing'

"What do you want to get for dinner after we go get some dry clothes?"Jisung asked finally giving in and changing the subject

"You can decide"

"How about we just stay at my house and make some ramen"

"That sounds perfect" Felix said trying to cheer himself up a bit, he didn't want the conversation that just went on between them to ruin their first date entirely

He was already worried that he had told Jisung too much, he hated people showing pity on him it was his least favorite thing in the world and he definitely didn't want Jisung's pity of all people's

He hoped that Jisung would just forget about it and the topic wouldn't be brought up again

The ride to Jisung's house was pretty silent, when Jisung finally parked his car in the driveway he handed Felix a pair of sunglasses, earning a questioning look from Felix

"You're going to want to wear them just Incase, if my mom sees your eye she's not going to let you get out of the conversation as I did" Jisung explained and Felix nodded as they quickly went inside, trying to avoid the rain

"Or my parents aren't home" Jisung said as he pulled a sticky note off of the fridge explaining that his parents went out for dinner then he threw it in the garbage. Then took his glasses off of Felix's face and placed them on the counter

They both quickly went upstairs to change into dry clothes, Jisung gave Felix clothes to borrow. Then they went back downstairs to the kitchen

Jisung put a pot of water on the stove and put two packs of ramen on the counter as he waited for the water to boil

As he was waiting for the water to come to a boil he walked over to Felix who was standing by the counter watching him make the ramen

"How do you still look cute even with a bruise on your eye?" Jisung asked as he touched the side of Felix's face close to his eye

"I doubt that I do" Felix responded quietly

Jisung gently kissed Felix's bruised eye "hopefully that will help it heal faster" Jisung said causing Felix to smiled at him

"I don't know, I think you need to do it again" Felix replied, causing Jisung to smile back at him before he gave Felix another gentle kiss on his eye, then his nose, then hid forehead, then one on each side of his face before he stopped and looked back and forth between Felix's lips and his eyes. Felix seemed to be doing the same thing as Jisung, they were both wondering if the other was okay with it

For the second time that day they both started leaning in slowly

Then for the second time that day they also got interrupted but this time by the water over boiling

Jisung sighed as he walked over and pulled the pot off of the stove "why is the universe so against us kissing?" He asked dramatically

"Maybe it just wasn't the right time"

"It felt like the right time but no, stupid water has to hate me and either has to fall from the sky or try to burn my house down whenever I try to kiss you"

"Sungie calm down" Felix said as he walked over to him and gave him a hug" he then looked over at the stove and saw how much of a mess it was "Uhh do you just want to eat cereal instead?" Felix asked

"This is one of the reasons I love you" Jisung said as he went to the pantry to get cereal and Felix went to the fridge to get milk

They both got a bowl of cereal and ate it while watching random things on tv, after they ate they both put their bowls in the sink then went upstairs to Jisung's room

"What are we going to do now?" Felix asked

"Can we just cuddle?" Jisung asked as he laid down on his bed

"Sure" Felix said as he laid down next to Jisung and they both hug each other

Jisung started playing with Felix's hair, it had basically become a habit of his since the first time him and Felix cuddled

A few minutes later he heard soft snores coming from Felix

"I really hope no one hurts you ever again" Jisung said quietly before kissing the top of Felix's head and eventually falling asleep as well

I'm surprised that I've written 30 chapters without them kissing yet

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