Chapter 1

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Dear Drakie,
You really have no idea how much I miss you! It's so strange to be able to see you everyday at school, and then hardly be able to see you at all during summer!

Daphne is soooo annoying, and keeps pestering me about the importance of Owls or whatever. I mean, they're not until May, so I have plenty of time to study - but I'm not sure how I'll be able to concentrate with a gorgeous blonde besides me...

I can't wait until you come over to mine. Is it like, 4 weeks or something? Oh, and Pansy and Blaise can come as well if they want.

Missing you with lots of love,
Tori. 💕💓💗❤️💗💖💝💘💋💋💋💕💌💞


Dear Tori,
I'm missing you as well, you don't know how much. The Manor is so lonely, which only causes me to miss you even more. I know how it's ridiculous to see each other everyday and then suddenly not at all, but at least we can write to each other.

I know that O. W. Ls might not seem important now, but they really are. They decide which Newts you can take, and that decides your future. But, sorry, I don't want to nag you. And this gorgeous blonde, is not going to let you get distracted because I am not going to let my beautiful girlfriend fail. And we'll still have plenty of time together, Tori.

Also, my dad said that it's going to be 5 weeks before I can visit. So that's only a week before school starts. Thanks for inviting Pansy and Blaise too. You really are the most amazing girl ever.

Lots of love,
P. S} please don't call me "Drakie". It's kinda annoying😅. Love you.


I sent my letter off with my tawny owl, Aurum. His golden eyes gleamed at me as I handed him the letter, almost like he knew who it was for. Well, I did only send letters to Pansy, Blaise, Tori, and Hermione. Yes, Hermione Granger. The girl I used to call Mudblood, but not anymore. We're friends, although we weren't always like that. We were obviously enemies in 1st and 2nd year. But then in 3rd year she comforted me after the boggart.

Okay, so a bit of background info. Yes, I didn't face the boggart in front of the class, but being the idiot I was - I tried to face it at lunch. My father came out of the wardrobe and I basically ended up having a full blown panic attack. So much so, that I almost passed out because I couldn't breathe.

Hermione had left one of her books in the classroom and I don't know what would have happened if she hadn't come along and stopped the boggart and calmed me down, and we got to know each other in Muggle Studies class. Soon we became friends and she learned the real me.

It was about half way through 3rd year when we decided to try dating. I know, considering how we were enemies 5 months ago, and then we were dating. We were still only young, with Hermione being 14, and me being 13. It just felt... Right.

But then.... Then there was the incident towards the end of summer. I was...broken. I spiralled down into depression and I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about it. And keeping all those negative thoughts inside was choking me up. So... I cut myself in order to let some of my pain out.

Eventually it got too much, and I cut deeper until I hit an artery and let myself bleed out. Yeah. I tried to kill myself. I just couldn't live with it anymore. It was suffocating me until I could barely go a few hours without thinking of it.

Hermione found me. I'd been distant and she was worried about me. Potter had this map thing and so she used that to find me in Myrtle's bathroom. No one went in there. After that I ended up telling her everything. She was supportive and helped me in every way she could. The only thing was, we'd grown apart and discovered being in a relationship wasn't that different to being out. Sure, we kissed and cuddled and all that, but the feeling wasn't there anymore. We decided to end things, but remain good friends. It was a simple break up because we kept it a secret. Potter and Weasley would have a fit, and my father would literally kill us both.

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