CHAPTER 22~New Digs, New Problems

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I get led all the way to my new room. Now I share with 3 other girls. Apparently the boats were made so well that even though most of them were caught in explosions, many stayed floating long enough for builders to get into them and patch up the holes. Though it came with sacrifice, because we lost a boat, my old boat, and everyone was divided up into groups again.

My new room is smaller, then again, it is filled with other people's junk. We have posters and drawings plastered to the walls, a desk, a table, 2 trunks, a dresser, a music player, a lamp, a bunk bed, a straw matt, a twin sized bed, and 4 people to share it. The door is lime green, and the walls are plain white. I was out for two days so I'll have the last pick of bed and space.

We had started with a fleet of 4 large boats and 5 smaller boats, and now we have only 3 large boats and 4 small boats, 1 was lost from bad weather and 1 from the bombing. We had more than 2,400 people in the beginning, and now there are just over 2000. And we still have 14 months of sailing and riding and surviving until we reach our goal, assuming we don't stop that is. I'm starting to be scared.

I met my roommates today. One is named Lilly. She is a brat, always thinks she is right, and has a foul mouth. One is named Faith. She likes to act like a cat. The mat is hers, and she strung it from the ceiling. THE CEILING! How it stays up, I haven't the faintest idea. The last of my roommates is a girl named Emily. She is so lazy, that she could get an award! Of course, not really, she wouldn't get out of bed to receive the award anyways I doubt she would get out of bed to save her own life.

Faith tried to scratch Lilly for being a jerk, Emily spit a lugi into Faith's hair, Faith tried to kill Emily, I stood off to the side and knocked over a poster of a unicorn and Lilly charged at me! I got the bottom bunk, under Lilly, who was next to Faith. Do you see anything strange here? They all do such weird things too, besides fighting all the time. It's driving me nuts, they're always on each others nerves!

Emily has a table next to her bed and eats anything that someone will give her. Faith licked a stick of beef jerky and put it on the table. Emily had been watching, and she still ate it! Emily may be a bit lazy, but she can make bracelets out of wooden ,plastic, ceramic, and cloth beads. She has a stretchy string just for making these beautiful bracelets. She is really good at making them, with two flaws. She can't tie knots and she doesn't ever 'feel like' making anything. Ever. End of story.

Lilly is a doodler, and is good at it. She prefers to draw cats, dogs, wolves, unicorns, and people. She has a good hand for drawing and sketching, but she always puts them on the walls. If there ever was a hole in the wall, her drawings would keep the water out! I'm not kidding, we must have at least two inches of drawings plastering the walls all the way around.

Faith is a carver and uses pieces of soap,wood, rock and will even use cardboard since that can't be used for making houses, and she makes them into elaborate and intricate carvings of anything! Like;














and way, way more! I asked her to carve a plant or leaf for Emma, and she did! It looked like a maple leaf, and was so thin that light could pass through it, even though it was made of wood!

It was the most incredible thing I ever saw, until Lilly grabbed it,threw it onto the ground, and stepped on it while in a foul mood. She is nothing short of evil! I almost started crying. I don't even know why! I picked up the broken wood pieces.

"Don't worry Kari," Faith says soothingly "I can make you another, after I throw someone off the boat." she snarls at Lilly. Lilly backs up with her hands raised, Faith smiles triumpithly. We know better than to cross her. Even though Faith is smaller than most people, well we know better. We all got a little background knowledge of each other, and let's just say that Faith's history with the Keepers was not pretty. Not to mention that it's extensively long. We went on like this for almost two weeks before we settled boundaries, using tape, you don't want to know what our cat girl over there was planning instead. We are not cats marking territory.

When they resorted everyone onto new boats, they put people the same age on the same boat. Emma is on a boat called "The newland's dream" and it has kids 9 and under without parents. I'm on a boat called "gingy's new home". It's a stupid name on many levels. Coral is on the same boat, just in a different cabin/room thing.

I just had started to doze off when...

"What are you doing? I told you to sleep in the hallway with Faith and Emily! I WANT TO BE ALONE AND AWAY FROM YOU LOOSER'S! GET. OUT! NOW!" Lilly screamed at me.

"Why are you always such a jerk?"I snap back at her. I have some other words I would like to use, but I think she might have a copyright on them. As an answer to my question,she picks me up, and throws me out the open doorway, and I landed in the hallway. Ouch. 

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