CHAPTER 37~Voodoo and Clay

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It was early morning when I woke up. Faith was up to, but Zoey and Emily were sound asleep. Faith had some clay out. We all knew that clay was hard to get, so we never asked where or how she got it, it's better not to know. She didn't see that I was up so I shifted so I could see her but still look like I was sleeping.

When she saw me 'stir', she froze. She couldn't see my eyes, because I had covered them with my hair. She slowly went back to what she was making. I tried to strain my neck out to see it. She was making something, and it was made of clay. I couldn't tell more. I strained again. She was making strange little charms. I couldn't tell who they were, but they were definitely supposed to be people.

Faith makes charms for many reasons. She makes them for Lilly, who believes in voodoo, not me personally. She makes them for Emily, as special beads while making jewelry, and she does them and they just disappear.

Faith held one up, turning it around and around. It looked like Coral! She seemed satisfied. Then she held up another. This one was a bit harder, and looked like me. I hadn't ordered any bracelets,anklets, or necklaces. I don't think Lilly hates me, she smiled at me last week, maybe she is just doing it for fun? The thing is, I snapped a Lilly for being a jerk - again - and she seemed mad for a while, did she ask faith to do this to me?

Then Faith held up a needle, and made a few marks on the side of my clay persons head. Then she pulled the needle back, and I realized I was holding my breath. Then ruthlessly Faith jabbed the needle through the figurines head, and did the same with the one of Coral. The holes were about one quarter of an inch wide. I waited for pain in my head, that is how it's supposed to work, right? But none came.

She put the figures in a plastic bag, and filled the bag with a clear liquid as thick as syrup, called saybi. It drys the clay and strengthens it, then wraps it in a protective layer. It's even rarer than clay is. We just learn to not ask. Faith lays the bag in the window seal and covers it by closing the blinds. Then she starts making a base for a sculpture. She starts building a tale when I pretend to wake up. The smell of saybi drives me nuts and I can finally tell her this, again.

"Faith, did you drop a bag of saybi up my nose? Seriously, how much did you use, and how much do you need?" I whine tired as I can sound. Then I get an idea.

"O.K., really. Open the window please." I beg. She shows no sign of apprehensiveness.

"In a minute," she replies, "I'm almost done with this sculpture."

"Fine, then I will do it!" I snap. She jumps up, knocking over her chair. BAM! Emily and Zoey wake with a start.

"Sorry," she tells them, and turns to me "I got it Kari, I sorta have something for you that I don't want you to see, yet." she adds sheepishly. Did I just embarrass Faith? The Faith???!!! I think to myself, and back out. She sticks her head up through the bottom of the blinds and opens the window. She ducks out and returns to her sculpture.

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