CHAPTER 18~ Nowhere to Hide on the Open Ocean

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 "Code orange. The royals have found us."I say as calm-like as I possibly can, which is a full state panic with a shaky voice. Then a person runs down the halls, screaming out.

"Get out of here! The boat is sinking! We must evacuate the boat!". Together Coral and I grabbed supplies. In the hall a girl faints. Coral and I rush for her, while Emma, full of adrenalin, grabs supplies fast as lightning. Coral reaches the girl first.

"I got her. Grab supplies!" Coral barks at me, her normal self again. Emma and I grab the following;

Two blankets

Six shoes

Three pillows

One speaker

One MP3 player

One charge stick

Eight fishing hooks

Two fishing poles

Four shirts

Three pairs of pants

Two large burlap bags

Eleven books

One laminated map to Australia

Then we stuff as much of the items into the burlap sacks and pillow cases as we can. I hand a sack, a pillow and a fishing pole to Emma. I get the other fishing pole, sack, and the rest of the pillow cases. And looking back, I decided to see if I can get the compass. It barely fits in my sack. I take a look around the room one last time, and make a run for it.

I push my way through hordes of people. Tripping over those who fell not bothering to help them up. I have to live right now. Guilt gnaws at me from that thought. I burst through the doors into the bright sunlight. The deck is surprisingly empty.

There is a plank stretched across the gap between boats. I run for the nearest one. I end up on the same boat as Coral and Emma. By then,the girl Coral rescued is coming to and the planes that ambushed us, are gone, except one. A group of people managed to shoot down a plane before it bombed us. Unfortunately there wasn't any hostages to be taken, as the plane was remotely controlled, but we did learn one thing, they didn't send their best bombers because we took it down with bullets, and a firework. Mostly the firework I suppose.

Then when the yelling stopped I turned to talk quietly to Emma and Coral. I can see Coral about three feet behind me, but I don't see Emma anywhere. I am about to ask Coral where Emma is when there is shouting. At first I thought that the planes were coming back, but people are pointing at the boat that I just got off. It was Emma, and the planes were coming back. 

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