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I sigh softly standing behind my brother's girlfriend, Addison.

She smiles turning around to look at me. "Can you believe today's the last day of cheer camp? This week went by so fast!" She grins, honestly way to happy for my liking.

I look at her and shrug. "I don't know, I kinda miss home, my bed, Fro-yo, .. my bed." I smile all relax and ready to get todays obstacles over with.

Bucky, the cheer captain and Addison's cousin, claps his hands a few times a big fake smile on his face. "You've all heard of the stories of blood thirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders." He says darkly.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Yeah and I'm one of them." I mutter.

"Boo!" the Acey's shouted jumping up behind Bree and Bonzo scaring them.

They smile and laugh flipping their hair as they go back to Bucky, who was laughing but quickly turns serious again. "Well, those stories are just silly make believe. We're gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines like.." He smiles stepping out of the way. "Lacey!"

Lacey runs to the front does a pose and goes behind Bucky all smug.

"Stacey!" Bucky claps grinning.

Stacey runs to the front and kicks her leg then waves, going and stands beside Lacey. They give each other annoyed smiles.

I smile a little watching them, amused.

"And our most recent Acey, JC!"

JC flips to the front and turns to Bucky. "I'm Kevin." He says watching Bucky. He swallows thickly seeing Bucky glare at him dangerously. "We changed my name to JC, which I love by the way! Long live the Aceys!" He laughs nervously and runs over to Stacey and Lacey.

I scoff grinning. "I love this."

Bucky claps his hands again and turns to Addison and I. "Addison, you take the newbies. You're.. um the Z team." He says and quickly turns away. "Let's go!" He yells blowing the whistle.

I wince and grumble at the loud noise, turning to Addi. "I don't know why I let you drag me to this thing."

She smiles. "Because deep down you know this will be fun." She says taking my hand and pulls me off with the group to the obstacle couse.

I sigh and get into position ready to do this thing, but then Addison starts to sing.

I frown a little. "Crap, we're singing too? I only practiced the moves!" I whisper to the girl beside me panicking.

She looks at me and shrugs as she starts singing to.

"No, No, No." I repeat and groan loudly throwing my head back.

I stay quiet and mostly in the back as I follow my singing team around.

I don't know how, nor I care, but the Z team won. I breath heavily as I sit on the ground exhausted, pumping my first in the air. "Yay..."

"The Cheer Camp Cup is yours!" Bucky says handing it to a glowing Addison.

"Whoa." She gushes over the trophy, not looking tired from all the movement we just did.

I frown faintly watching Bucky take it back.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. now lets make this victory about me." He grins. "I've decided to be school president this year." He gloats.

I grumble rolling my eyes. "Don't the people get to vote who the president is?" I speak up glaring at Bucky. "Cause i for sure won't vote for you."

Bucky looks at me and glares back. "Come on, we all know I've got this. Anyway, it means we'll need a new cheer captain while I rule the school. Who's worthy to lead?' He asked

the Acey's put their hands up.

"Oh me!"

"no me!"

"Me, Me, Me."

I roll my eyes as I lay back in the grass. "I say it should be Addison." I call out over the Acey's begs.

Bucky shrugs looking like he's considering it as Addison grins looking hopeful.

"Maybe, every one on the bus." He says and walks off the group follows closely behind.

I grumble and sigh. "Great, now I got to move."

I make it on the bus and sit in the back next to Bonzo watching him carve Bree's face into an apple

I smile. "That's pretty." I compliment soon getting distracted along with everyone else in the bus, signs on the side of the road and I immediately know its from Zed.

"Addison, will you.." Bree says out loud getting excited with Addison. "Go to the prawn with.."

I look o where the sign pointed seeing Zed on a ladder. "Zed!" I yell my eyes wide worried for my brother. The bus hits him and we drive off the road into the woods. I scream holding on to the seat infront of me shutting my eyes tightly.

We hit a tree making the bus stop. I breath heavily and glance around before bolting out of the back of the bus. "Zed! Where are you!" I yell running around trying to find him.

I Stop for a moment in a clear area catching my breath as I look around worriedly.

A twig snap behind me making me turn around but I see nothing. I frown and naroow my eyes as I lick my dry lips. "..Zed?"

I get no response. I sigh and turn back around, seeing a figure standing in front of me. She had black curly hair and perfectly a white strip in the front. She similes showing off her fangs.

I gasp. "Zed!" I scream for help and turn around quickly running back to the bus.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now