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I stand in my room staring at my mirror grumbling completely stressed out. Which dress? Which dress? I frown sighing shakily as I stare at the two dresses, holding them up to my body.

I set them on my bed and grumble softly. "What to do, what to do." I mutter over and over again.

After a while of staring at the dresses. "Oh what the heck, I give up." I growl out annoyed. "Jeans it is." I go and put my black skinny jeans on and a grey shirt. "Yup.. this is best this is gonna get." I smile and tilt my head at my relection.

"Oh well." I shrug heading out of my room quickly. "I'll be back later!" I yell running out of my house before anyone could stop me.

I get far enough from my house and smile softly, slowing my pace down.

I get to the fountain and smile. Now I wait. I glance around frowning. "Hmmm."

Wyatt walks up and smiles. "Ready?" He asked

I look back smiling at him. "Hi." I glance over seeing the pack behind him. "Oh?"

He nods glancing at them with a sigh. He takes a few steps to me whispering, "they know, plus we have to pick up Addison."

I frown a little and nod. "Um why Addison?" I ask.

The pack turns away and heads to Addison's house, leaving us alone for a moment.

Wyatt sighs and smiles grabbing my hand. "We think she's the great alpha. she could lead us to the moonstone!" He grins getting excited.

I nod grinning back. "Then that means you can find the big stone thing." I swing our hands smiling.

He chuckles and nods, running to catch us with the pack. I laugh softly and follow.

Addison opens her door frowning seeing all of us. "Umm..."

"Come with us." Willa says monotone.

"Whats so important?"

"You are." Wynter answers with the same monotone voice.

I bite my lip before laughing loudly. "This isn't creepy at all." I grin playfully.

Wyatt smiles squeezing my hand.

We make it to the den. I look around amazed. "Wow.." I gasp. "This is amazing!" I bounce.

Wyatt laughs watching me nodding. "Welcome to the den.."

"But not too welcome." Willa says.

I smile softly and roll my eyes glancing at a shocked Addison.

The wolves howl, scaring the crap out of me. "That means welcome." Wyatt explains to us.

We both smile and howl back. All the wolves stop and look at us.

Wyatt about to burst into laughing.

"Ostrich boots?" They question Addison.

Wyatt grins looking at me. "I'm not translating what you said, there's little pups here." He smirks winking at me.

"Oh." I blush.

He smiles but sighs as Willa calls Wyatt over.

He looks at her an nods. "I'll be right back." He smiles at me before running off to Addison starting to sing.

I grin watching him sing and dance. I sit down in a corner watching and staying out of the way.

"Aww.." I mutter watching him play with a young kid.

Oh yeah, he's not bad at all.

Thank you all for the votes and comments! They really make my day!

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