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I keep running, being brave and take s glance behind me surprised she wasn't chasing me. I slow down slightly before grunting running into something.

I grumble back about to fall but arms caught me.

"Zuri? What's wrong are you okay?"

I look back at the figure and see Zed. I smile faintly and hug him. "..I-I was so scared." I breathed out.

He frowns and hugs back. "What happened?" He asked innocently.

I pull away and look at him like he's crazy. "What happened? You got hit by a bus then went missing! I went to look for you and ran into this werewolf person." I huff rolling my eyes.

His eyes widen. "Werewolf?!" He grabs my hand and pulls me to the bus, telling everyone about this wolf girl.

They all gasp, some mutter, some texting people about it, some giving me petty looks.

Addison walks over and pulls me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?" She sighs, worried.

I frown and squirm faintly in her hold gasping for some sort of breath. "Yup.... I'm great."

I glance at Zed to help, giving my best puppy dog look.

He smiles softly and pulls me away from Addison.  "Don't kill her." He jokes

Addison smiles. "Oh sorry."

Soon a new bus comes to pick us up and take us to town hall.

I sigh sitting down in the bleacher just wanting to go home. This whole situation is stressful.

Everyone around me was comforting each other and panicking and all my brother can think about it prawn.

I sigh watching him get on one knee looking up at Addison with a giant smile on his face.

I smiles and lean my head into my hand. "Cute.." I mutter.

He gets up and his smile falls to a frown. Which could only mean one thing. She said no.

I growl and glare at the back of Addisons head.

Addison' s mom walks to the stage and huffs. "Because of this new discovery, the monster laws are back. Everyone stay safe." She says at the people panicking.

I grumble watching people run away from me. "Great.." I mutter getting up and leave. Heading back home.

I sigh sticking my hands in my pocket as I pass by the fro-yo cart. I frown seeing the coach rushing around yelling to a guy that werewolves don't like sprinkles.

I laugh a little watching them. Catching the guy's attention, he looks at me and his eyes widen. His breathing picking up a bit.

I frown a little watching him. "Okay I'm gonna go now." I say patting his shoulder and leave quickly climbing up the stairs to my house seeing Zoey wall out with a piece of paper.

I told my head watching her. "What are you doing?"

"Getting a werewolf friend." She says confidently skipping to a telephone pole.

I smile and shake my head slightly walking in the house.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now