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After the party died down, everyone leaves but the wolves and I.

I sigh smiling a little as I get up grabbing some empty pizza boxes, walking over to a trash can and throws it away. I feel arms wrap themselves around my waist pulling me to them.

I relax, smiling as I realize it's Wyatt. "Hey." I yawn out softly.

He smiles against my neck humming. "Want to go to my room for a bit?" He asked softly. "We can relax."

I nod softly. "Yeah. That sounds good."

He smiles and grabs my hand leading me to his room, I assume. I hum tiredly swinging our hands a little. I walk in a room smiling softly. "You have a nice room." I mumble, seeing a bed.

He smiles sheepishly and shrugs. "It's not much but it's comfortable."

I smile and lay down on his bed. "Well, I like it. It's nice and simple."

He grins and nods laying next to me, making the bed dip. "I love you." He mutters wrapping his arms around me.

I grin, closing my eyes. "I love you, too." I turn to him kissing him softly.

He kisses back, humming softly into it. It was a nice kiss, well till I yawned.

"Sorry." I yawned out pulling away from him.

He chuckles. "It's fine, get some sleep."

I roll my eyes and huff. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. do't got to tell me twice." I smile closing my eyes.

The next day I was back at my house, getting ready. Tonight Wyatt was coming over to have dinner with my family. Hope Zed doesn't freak him out to much. I sigh and turn around jumping in surprise seeing Zoey stand there.

"Ah!" I scream.

She screams back grinning. "Why are we screaming? Are you scared for tonight?" She asked smiling.

I blush softy and shaking my head. "No of course not."

She giggles. "You so are! Zed, Zuri's nervous!" She yells running off to Zed.

I grumble softly. "Zoey!" I run after her.

Zed smiles watching us. "What are you guys doing?"

"Trying not to murder a child." I mumble softly.

"Playing!" Zoey happily

He grins. "So when is he mutt getting here?" He asked.

I frown and hit him softly. "He's not a mutt, and soon." I huff walking away from him.

There's a knock on the door and I run to open it before anyone else. I open it and smile at Wyatt awkwardly. "Hey!"

Zed walks up behind me and pushes me away getting infront of me. "Hey Wyatt."

I grumble softly. "Zed! Let me see my boyfriend!"

Wyatt watches confused for the most part before smirking. "Hi." He walks in hugging me and fist pumps Zed. They get along just fine, just never when I'm around..

I huff and watch. "The food should be done soon. Hope you like cauliflower." I say sarcastically.

Wyatt nods "Yup.. willing to give it a try." He smiles.

We go to the dining room. Wyatt and Zed sit down, Zoey runs in asking Wyatt a bunch of dog questions.

"Do you know someone who can stay with us and be my werewolf friend?" She asked, bouncing softly.

I smile and shake my head going to the kitchen seeing dad try to balance 4 pots. I run over and grab two.

"Let me help."

"Thanks sweetpea." He smiles leaning over and pressing a fatherly kiss to my head as he walks out setting the food on the table.

I smile and follow after him, seeing Zoey was climbing Wyatt. "What are you doing?"

She shrugs grinning. "Playing." Wyatt chuckles and sets her back on the ground.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Well dinners ready." I say sitting down next to Wyatt.

We all ate and laughed, everyone getting along. It was perfect..for now.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now