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Both zombies and werewolves walked up to the school. I grin and raise my chin up confidently. We all look amazing. I thought grinning.

"It's zombies!" I heard one of the mindless minions of Bucky say.

"And werewolves."

"In formal wear?"

I grin and smirk at the shocked Acey's, holding Wyatt's hand tightly.

Bucky grumbles watching us with a angry expression. "You guys can't be here there are laws against this." He huffs out.

I roll my eyes and sigh dramatically. "Well guess what, monsters break laws." I smirk and growl at them, as Wyatt snarls his eyes turning yellow.

Bucky and the Acey's shriek running inside away from us quickly, making us celebrate a little.

Wyatt starts coughing as his eyes turn back to normal. I frown and give him a worried look.

He glances at me and shakes his head forcing a small smile. "I'm fine."

I grumble softly and shake my head a little. "Right." I sigh and kiss his cheek softly.

His eyes widen as he blushes brightly, a shy grin crossing his face as he looks at me.

I laugh sotly and pull him toward the dance. "Come on."

I walk in and gasp. Lights, music, and people dancing having fun. I grin, "Woah..." I mutter.


I look over seeing Bonzo and Bree hugging. I smile softly. They're a cute couple.

Wyatt looks around letting out a uncomfortable sigh before glancing over at me and smiles softly.

"Well, let's dance." He says pulling me to the dance floor.

I frown a little and shake my head. "Sorry I don't dance, and I definitely won't dance well with a hot guy in front of me." I ramble out.

He looks shocked for a moment before laughing loudly his fangs showing.

I look at him awkwardly before chuckling softly along. "What...?"

He shakes his head still smiling looking at me. "You're hilarious." He smirks.

I tilt my head a bit. "Thanks....?"

He smiles and looks at my confused face realizing I'm not smiling. He immediately frowns giving a small whine.

"You really don't think you can dance?" He questions.

I shake my head a bit, watching him curiously. He frowns more and huffs. "What about singing?"

I shrug. "I don't think so but.. people compliment it so I guess I'm okay." I smile a bit.

He sighs softly watching me. His hand moving up to push hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful, Zuri." He mutters.

I stare at him shocked for a second, soon smiling, blush over taking my face.

He smiles and pulls me closer as he dance to the slow song playing. "Beautiful, graceful, talented, and one heck of a voice." He hums out smiling.

I smile and sigh relaxing, setting my head on his shoulder listening.

"You're my everything, and your perfect." He smiles.

I blush softly and sigh happily, looking up at him. Seeing him already looking at me.

"..I love you." I say after a moment.

He looks at me and grins softly pulling me in and kisses me, his hand resting on my cheek.

I gasp softly soon melting into the kiss. I moan quietly, smiling.

He chuckles and pulls away. "Cute." He mutters.

I go to say something back but the school starts shaking.

"What the..." I frown clinging to Wyatt a bit more.

What is happening?!

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